Previously, a working group chaired by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Ha Tinh, in coordination with relevant units and localities, conducted an inspection and determined that VN1 Industrial Group Joint Stock Company (headquartered in Nam Hong Ward, Hong Linh Town) had violated the law in the process of exploiting construction stone in the Hong Linh mountain area, in the territory of Vuong Loc Commune (Can Loc) and Dau Lieu Ward (Hong Linh Town).
The inspection results showed that VN1 Industry Group Corporation exploited minerals beyond the licensed area boundary (by surface) by 0.075 ha; exploited beyond the permitted exploitation boundary (by depth) by 0.8 m.
On July 14, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Ha Tinh province announced that, for the above behavior, the unit has issued a decision to administratively fine VN1 Industry Group Joint Stock Company VND 30 million and forced it to renovate and restore the environment; implement solutions to bring the exploited area beyond the permitted exploitation scope to a safe state.
On the other hand, this enterprise was also forced to pay back the illegal profits from the violation in the amount of 73,962 million VND. The total amount of fines for administrative violations and illegal profits that VN1 Industry Group Joint Stock Company must pay is 103,962 million VND.
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