Specifically, in the early afternoon session of March 6, many investors reported that they could not send stock trading orders. Brokerage rooms also sent information that the connection to HoSE was unstable, the HoSE system was losing connection with many securities companies. This situation led to very slow orders entering HoSE .
Many securities companies sent notices to investors stating that the connection to HoSE is unstable and is in the same situation as other securities companies, so some orders placed on HoSE may not have been sent to the floor or the order status may not be updated correctly. The interrupted connection makes it impossible for investors to place orders, cancel/edit orders.
According to HoSE , at the beginning of the afternoon trading session on March 6, 2024, the connection from the system of some securities companies to the system of the Exchange was intermittent. After the ATC trading session, the connection was stable.
HoSE confirmed that the trading system in the trading session on March 6, 2024 operated normally. According to HoSE statistics , the total number of orders in the entire market in the trading session on March 6, 2024 was 1.17 million orders (the average of the 10 previous trading sessions was 1.14 million orders).
HoSE is currently coordinating with the system operation support service provider ( FPT Information System Company Limited) to check and determine the cause .
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