On the afternoon of October 18, at the Presidential Palace, General Secretary and President To Lam presented the decision to appoint Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to countries and international organizations for the 2024-2027 term.
Also attending were Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Party Central Committee's External Relations Commission Le Hoai Trung; Head of the Office of the President Le Khanh Hai, and Permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu.
At the ceremony, authorized by the General Secretary and President, Deputy Head of the Office of the President Phan Thi Kim Oanh announced the President's decision to appoint Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary - Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to Cambodia, Singapore and Ukraine.
Handing over the decision and assigning tasks to the Ambassadors, the General Secretary and President expressed his joy and affirmed that the comrades assigned tasks this time are all professional diplomats with a lot of experience in foreign affairs.
Sharing with the appointed Ambassadors about the advantages and difficulties, the General Secretary and President said that these are all important areas in the country's foreign policy. In particular, the United Nations is the largest and most focused multilateral organization, solving international issues. Cambodia is a friendly neighbor, a priority region in foreign policy. Singapore is a strategic partner with exemplary relations, with many potential opportunities to promote development in ASEAN. Ukraine is a traditional friend and comprehensive partner.
The General Secretary and President pointed out that each locality has certain advantages and difficulties. The current advantage is that the Party and State's policies and guidelines determine that foreign affairs play a very important role; Vietnam's international position is increasingly enhanced. Foreign affairs are currently determined to be important, regular and comprehensive. However, each locality, region and country has its own advantages and difficulties, and therefore the Ambassadors need to see the advantages and difficulties in order to carry out their tasks and work appropriately.
The General Secretary and President hopes that the appointed Ambassadors will continue to promote their experiences; share difficulties, study, grasp, exchange, unite, and agree to complete their tasks well; protect the interests of the nation, people, and businesses; not only care for the Vietnamese community living abroad but also for officials, businesses, and students studying abroad...
Speaking at the ceremony, representatives of the Ambassadors expressed their honor and thanked the General Secretary, President and Party and State leaders for entrusting them with the task; affirming that this is both an honor and a great responsibility before the Party, State and people.
Although the world and regional situation is complicated with many difficulties and challenges, the appointed Ambassadors affirmed that the main advantage is that the country is entering a new era, an era of national growth; when taking on the new mission, they carry in their hearts pride and confidence in the country's development.
Representatives of the appointed Ambassadors pledged to make every effort to effectively carry out their assigned tasks; effectively contribute to the foreign affairs work of the Party and State; contribute to diplomacy commensurate with the country's position, contribute more effectively to world politics, and spread the model of an independent, self-reliant, prosperous, and happy Vietnam.
The appointed Ambassadors affirmed to always adhere to the goal of putting the interests of the nation and people above all; linking the three pillars of Party diplomacy, State diplomacy and people-to-people diplomacy; linking diplomacy with national defense and security; building a strong and courageous representative agency so that each cadre, especially the ambassador, is a worthy representative of the nation, Party, State and people of Vietnam.
Source: https://baotainguyenmoitruong.vn/tong-bi-thu-chu-tich-nuoc-to-lam-trao-quyet-dinh-bo-nhiem-dai-su-viet-nam-tai-lien-hop-quoc-va-cac-nuoc-381801.html
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