Accordingly, regarding administrative inspection, the whole province conducted 116 administrative inspections, including: 85 inspections during the period, 31 inspections transferred from the previous period; according to plan: 85 inspections, 31 unscheduled inspections. Of which, the Provincial Inspectorate conducted 17 inspections, including: 9 inspections transferred from the previous period, 8 inspections deployed in the period, 2 unscheduled inspections assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.
Thereby, 59 inspection conclusions were issued (including 29 inspection conclusions from 2022), the inspection results at 202 units discovered violations of VND 50,562.671 million and 18,057 m2 of land; proposed to recover and pay to the State budget VND 39,632.03 million and 18,057 m2 of land; proposed to rectify, reduce the settlement value, and handle other matters VND 10,930.641 million; proposed to review the responsibilities of 71 collectives and 111 individuals; transferred 2 cases to the Investigation Agency and transferred information to the Quang Nam Provincial Police for consideration according to the authority of one case.
Of which, the Provincial Inspectorate has issued 9 inspection conclusions (from 2022 onwards), detecting violations of VND 46,439,583 million; recommending to recover and pay to the State budget VND 37,827,330 million; recommending to rectify, reduce the settlement value and handle other matters VND 8,612,253 million; recommending to review the responsibilities of 15 collectives and 8 individuals; transferring 1 case to the Investigation Agency and transferring information to the Provincial Police for consideration according to the authority of one case.
Regarding the results of implementing inspection conclusions: The number of inspection conclusions monitored by the whole province in the first 6 months of 2023 is 150 conclusions (including inspection conclusions carried over from previous years); of which, 26 inspection conclusions were directly inspected. Regarding the progress of implementing inspection conclusions: 46/150 inspection conclusions have been completed (accounting for 33.7% of the total number of inspection conclusions monitored for implementation), 104 inspection conclusions have not been completed. VND 24,145,080 million has been recovered and paid to the State budget (reaching a rate of 35.3%); 74 collectives (reaching a rate of 59.2%) and 137 individuals (reaching a rate of 81.5%) have been administratively handled; 51 collectives and 31 individuals have not been handled.
Of which, the Provincial Inspectorate has recovered and paid to the State budget 21,215,189 million VND; reviewed and learned from 35 collectives, 51 individuals/68 collectives, and 53 individuals who violated (including collectives and individuals from the previous year transferred for monitoring and handling).
Regarding the inspection of the responsibility for implementing the law on inspection, receiving citizens, complaints, denunciations, and preventing and combating corruption: The whole province conducted 23 inspections and examinations at 24 units; issued 15 inspection conclusions (of which, there were 4 inspection conclusions from 2022 carried over); through inspection and examination, it was recommended to recover 3.6 million VND to the State budget and recover 68.7 million VND to the unit, reviewed the responsibilities of 3 collectives, 10 individuals/4 collectives, 10 individuals for violations. Through inspection and examination, a number of violations were discovered such as: the payment of lump sum business expenses for officials working in citizen reception was not in accordance with regulations; there was no citizen reception record book; there was no public record of the use, revenue, and expenditure of budgetary finances according to regulations; there was no plan to purchase equipment, tools, and instruments; The selection of contractors and equipment suppliers has not been made public; public records of revenue and expenditure have not been scientifically archived....
In addition, the inspection results in some areas are as follows: Basic construction investment field: 15 inspections were conducted, conclusions were issued for 5; the inspection results at 24 units discovered violations and recommended the recovery of 543,238 million VND to the State budget, recommended reviewing the responsibilities of 6 groups and 13 individuals. Through the inspection, a number of violations were discovered such as: the settlement of construction volume, project management costs, construction supervision costs were not in accordance with the actual volume of construction...
Finance and budget sector: 48 inspections were conducted, 25 conclusions were issued, inspection results at 115 units discovered violations of VND 29,458,390 million; proposed to recover and pay to the State budget VND 20,287,205 million; proposed to rectify and handle other matters VND 9,171,185 million; proposed to review the responsibilities of 43 collectives, 61 individuals and warn 2 individuals; transferred 1 case to the Investigation Agency.
The inspection discovered a number of violations such as: incomplete implementation of contracts for leasing premises and collecting premises fees with business households; failure to properly manage a number of business premises; failure to fully implement the content of the signed contracts in paying the budget for premises fees and asset depreciation. A number of expenditure items were not clearly specified in the internal spending regulations, vouchers were not in accordance with regulations, expenditures were made from the wrong source, funds were used for the wrong purpose, advances were made without vouchers; there was no fixed asset tracking book, no periodic cash fund inventory as prescribed; settlement of vouchers was not in accordance with the budget year; use of allocated funds was not in accordance with regulations on management and use of budgetary finance; failure to return targeted additional funds to the higher budget as prescribed but instead transferred the source to the following year and accounted for in the local budget balance.
Land management and use: 30 inspections were conducted, 14 conclusions were issued; inspection results at 39 units discovered violations of VND 20,561,043 million and 18,057 m2 of land; proposed to recover and pay to the State budget VND 18,801,587 million and 18,057 m2 of land and proposed to rectify and handle other violations of VND 1,759,456 million; proposed to review the responsibilities of 18 collectives and 28 individuals; transferred 1 case to the Investigation Agency and transferred information to Quang Nam Provincial Police for consideration according to their authority.
The inspection also discovered a number of violations such as: land allocation and leasing without proper authority, contrary to the law; encroachment and occupation of traffic land, arbitrarily converting the purpose of land use for perennial crops to build houses; not fully implementing land lease procedures related to the project; signing land lease contracts mainly as agreements between the People's Committee at the commune level and households and individuals in need of land lease. The leasing of cleared land without auction to implement the project; determining specific land prices as the basis for determining land lease unit prices is not sufficient, there are no supporting documents. Land records in some communes have not been approved, information on changes in land use has not been updated, public land fund has not been allocated and public land management records have not been established according to regulations; land records are still missing and unclear; land rent has not been paid, compensation for land clearance has not been recovered, fixed assets have been created, etc.
Regarding specialized inspection and examination: The specialized inspection force conducted 191 inspections and examinations at 3,677 organizations and individuals; detected and handled 412 organizations and individuals who violated the law; recommended the recovery of 2,690.20 million VND to the State budget, administrative fines of 5,916.90 million VND; recommended the recovery of 2,514.6 m2 of land and some other forms of handling. Through the results of implementing conclusions and decisions on penalties through inspection and examination: 700.92 million VND was recovered and paid to the State budget through inspection and examination and 4,720.95 million VND through administrative fines (of which, urging the recovery of 685.75 million VND from the previous year).
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