Giao thong Newspaper hotline received a question from a reader about buying a new car in Hanoi but wanting to move the car to Nghe An to register the car, is it necessary to have it inspected?
New cars purchased in Hanoi moving to Nghe An for vehicle registration must be inspected and issued a temporary inspection sticker valid for 15 days.
Regarding this issue, speaking with Giao thong Newspaper reporter, Mr. Tran Quoc Hoan, Deputy Director in charge of Inspection Center 2903V (Hanoi) said that according to the new regulations in Decree 30/2023/ND-CP, motor vehicles that do not comply with the decision to handle administrative violations in the field of road traffic, exceed the deadline for handling the violation case but the vehicle owner or violator does not come to the headquarters of the competent authority to resolve and handle; cases that are warned on the inspection management program will be refused inspection, will not be granted a Registration Certificate and a 15-day temporary inspection stamp as before.
Therefore, there are only 2 cases of cars being granted temporary inspection stamps for 15 days, including the case of motor vehicles in the process of completing the regional transfer dossier.
This means that new cars purchased in Hanoi, when moving to Nghe An to register the vehicle (according to the reader's question), must be inspected and will be issued a Certificate of Inspection and a Temporary Inspection Stamp within 15 days to ensure that the vehicle meets the requirements of technical safety and environmental protection to participate in traffic during the transfer process.
In addition, vehicles that have been renovated and have been granted a renovation certificate; vehicles that are newly manufactured and assembled (domestic) and have a Factory Inspection Certificate from the enterprise; imported cars that have been granted an import quality inspection certificate; vehicles exported abroad (with a quality certificate or manufacturer's documents), if they need to move to a specified location, will also be granted a 15-day inspection certificate to participate in traffic.
At the same time, the inspection center will also issue a 15-day inspection certificate for motor vehicles that need to move to serve research and testing before certifying technical safety quality and environmental protection in the production and assembly of motor vehicles.
In this case, when inspecting, the vehicle owner must provide the following documents: design documents; documents proving that the vehicle has been self-inspected on the factory's internal roads to ensure safety for at least 3,000 km; a written commitment from the manufacturer to take responsibility for ensuring technical safety and environmental protection during the movement to serve research and testing, including the scope, route, and operating time; a declaration of technical specifications with a record of the manufacturer's production and assembly quality inspection.
In particular, the note section of the issued Inspection Certificate must state: "The vehicle owner must operate within the correct range, route, and operating time and is responsible for ensuring safety during travel."
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