After surveying and inspecting the actual disaster recovery work in the villages of Tin Toc, Linh and Muong Pon 1, comrade Le Thanh Do had a working session with the leaders of Dien Bien district at the Muong Pon commune cultural house on housing support plans; restoring agricultural, forestry and fishery production; stabilizing residents in disaster areas and investing in infrastructure.
Dien Bien district proposed to support 20 completely damaged houses; 6 houses with 50-70% damage; 16 houses with 30-50% damage; 44 houses with less than 30% damage; support for leveling the surface to restore production in fields buried by soil and rocks, with a total area of 66.5 hectares. Regarding the settlement of residents, Dien Bien district proposed to arrange and resettle at 4 locations, including: Huoi Ke village point (with 17 households, of which 2 households suffered severe landslides and 8 households in high-risk landslide areas that must be relocated); Linh village residential point (20 households stabilized in place and 15 households stabilized in a new residential area); Tin Toc village residential point (13 households stabilized in place and 14 households need to be relocated to a new place) and Muong Pon 1+2 residential point (expected to be relocated in a new location for 48 households).

Regarding infrastructure, Dien Bien district proposed to build: a rigid bridge across the stream to Linh village; a dike to protect production land and residential area in Muong Pon 2 village; a dike to protect production land, residential area and regulate the flow from Muong Pon 1, 2 village to Tin Toc village; invest in domestic water works, irrigation and repair schools in Muong Pon commune.
At the meeting, leaders of provincial departments and branches reported on the results of support for overcoming natural disaster damage in Muong Pon commune. At the same time, they proposed long-term population stabilization plans such as: Adjusting rural planning; investing in infrastructure works; capital plans to implement damage recovery projects; environmental protection work, and people's health care.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Thanh Do acknowledged and highly appreciated the initiative of the Party Committee, the government and functional forces in overcoming natural disaster damage in Muong Pon commune. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directed: In the immediate future, Dien Bien district will continue to review and implement policies to support production in the direction of areas that can be repaired, renovating and producing; areas that cannot be repaired, the district will coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to convert to suitable crops. Integrate career capital sources of national target programs to support production for people. Muong Pon commune People's Committee will measure and redistribute production land to households for areas that have lost their original state. In addition, Dien Bien district will review, select and arrange accommodation for households currently staying temporarily in schools to return facilities to schools to prepare for the new school year.
The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directed the Department of Health to continue to maintain mobile medical stations, focus on health care for people; coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to carry out environmental protection and disease prevention in disaster areas. Regarding traffic safety, the Department of Transport is required to maintain a force on duty to ensure traffic on National Highway 12, through Muong Pon commune; urgently complete traffic solutions so that Dien Bien district has a basis to adjust the new rural planning of Muong Pon commune. Regarding irrigation, Dien Bien district needs to carefully review and evaluate to select investment in construction and repair of irrigation works, prioritizing works with stable irrigation areas.

Regarding the plan to arrange and stabilize the population, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee agreed to select 4 resettlement sites for the people, including 3 main sites, implemented first: Ban Tin Toc, Ban Linh, Huoi Ke and 1 backup site in Muong Pon 1, 2. At the resettlement site in Ban Linh, the authorities and Dien Bien district studied the plan to adjust and change the flow of Nam Pon stream in conjunction with calculating the water flow of the stream under the negative impacts of climate change and natural disasters. Dien Bien district carefully studied documents on natural disaster warnings in Muong Pon commune; when developing the plan, it is necessary to review and survey carefully, not only at the construction site, but also to survey more widely, to ensure long-term stability. The authorities and Dien Bien district need to calculate and determine the locations where it is necessary to build hard embankments to prevent landslides; In areas that are not really necessary, use steel gabion revetments to ensure savings and efficiency of investment capital.

Regarding funding sources, in the immediate future, Dien Bien district will proactively use the central government's emergency support funding (10 billion VND), the district's project adjustment funding (5 billion VND) and funding from unnamed donors (over 7.3 billion VND) to address immediate needs. Regarding the long-term plan, based on the proposal of Dien Bien district and the results of review and re-evaluation by the relevant agencies, it is recommended that Dien Bien district and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development agree to advise the province to report to the central government as soon as possible.
Source: https://baodienbienphu.com.vn/tin-tuc/chinh-tri/217505/dong-chi-le-thanh-do-kiem-tra-cong-tac-khac-phuc-hau-qua-thien-tai-tai-xa-muong-pon
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