Private vehicles with up to 9 seats that are not used for commercial transportation will have their inspection period automatically extended if they expire, according to a draft circular of the Ministry of Transport.
The Ministry of Transport is seeking comments from ministries and branches on the draft circular amending Circular No. 16/2021 on technical safety and environmental protection inspection of motor vehicles.
According to the draft amendment, non-commercial vehicles with up to 9 seats whose inspection period expires within one year from the date the Circular is issued will be automatically extended according to the new cycle. Vehicle owners will be granted an inspection certificate without having to bring their vehicles to the center for re-inspection. It is expected that nearly 1.4 million private vehicles with up to 9 seats will have their inspection period automatically extended by 6 months.
For example, a 5-year-old car with less than 9 seats whose current inspection cycle expires on June 30, 2024, will have its cycle automatically extended by 6 months, until December 31, 2024. At this time, the new car owner must bring the car for inspection to continue a new cycle.
Vehicle inspection in Hanoi. Photo: Ngoc Thanh
Vehicles with an inspection period before the effective date of the Circular will not be subject to the new inspection cycle immediately and must still go to the inspection center to receive a certificate and inspection stamp.
Referring to the draft circular that only applies to vehicles with less than 9 seats that are not used for commercial transport, the Vietnam Register said that this is a group of personal vehicles, with low usage frequency, and the care, maintenance, and repair of the vehicle owners are better than those of commercial vehicles. The pass rate from the first inspection of this group is high, about 95% of the total number of vehicles. This shows that it is not necessary to re-inspecte the vehicle before extending the cycle while still ensuring safety requirements.
The group of vehicles with less than 9 seats that are not used for transportation and are due for monthly inspection accounts for 33-43% of the total number of vehicles due for inspection, concentrated in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The automatic extension of the cycle, so that owners do not have to take their vehicles for inspection, will help reduce the burden on inspection centers.
Passenger vehicles with more than 9 seats that have been manufactured for up to 5 years, trucks of all types, and tractors manufactured for 20 years or more are also eligible for extended inspection cycles. However, this group is used frequently and needs to be inspected before the cycle is extended. According to statistics, the first inspection pass rate for this group of vehicles is low, at times only reaching 67%.
To serve vehicles that automatically extend their inspection cycle, the Vietnam Register is building software, renting transmission lines and information technology infrastructure to look up and print the Certificate of Validity of the Inspection Certificate and Inspection Stamp for vehicle owners to use together with the previously issued Inspection Certificate and Inspection Stamp when participating in traffic.
The Vietnam Register said that the automatic application of an additional 6-month cycle for vehicles will affect the revenue of inspection centers. However, this will fundamentally resolve the current congestion in motor vehicle inspection, meeting the inspection needs of people and businesses.
According to Circular No. 2/2023 of the Ministry of Transport, passenger vehicles with less than 9 seats that are not used for transportation business and are manufactured up to 7 years ago are exempt from inspection for 36 months (previously 30 months), the periodic inspection cycle is 24 months (an increase of 6 months compared to before); vehicles manufactured from 7 to 20 years ago (previously 12 years ago) have a periodic inspection cycle of 12 months; vehicles over 20 years old have a cycle of 6 months. Vehicle owners must have their vehicles inspected before confirming the new inspection cycle.
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