The event featured policy dialogues with speakers from Japan, Singapore, Denmark, Thailand, etc. These are countries that have experience in building and operating effective greenhouse gas reporting systems (MRV). Delegates shared practical lessons and discussed the development of a greenhouse gas reporting system suitable for Vietnam, as well as ways to improve the capacity to manage and operate the system.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Quang, Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Change, said: According to the provisions of Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP of the Government on greenhouse gas emission reduction and ozone layer protection, establishments on the list of establishments required to conduct greenhouse gas inventories will have to develop and submit greenhouse gas inventory reports to competent authorities for appraisal and monitoring of emission levels. Therefore, the development and operation of an online grassroots greenhouse gas inventory reporting system is very necessary. Mr. Quang emphasized that this is a significant challenge for Vietnam due to limitations in awareness and technical capacity of establishments and localities.
Sharing information during the dialogue session, Mr. Luong Quang Huy, representative from the Department of Climate Change, provided an update on the progress of building and perfecting Vietnam's legal framework to implement greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and respond to climate change according to the commitments in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Report and the Paris Agreement. Mr. Huy also pointed out the role and importance of the online grassroots greenhouse gas inventory reporting system for the realization of the NDC and Net-Zero targets.
Regarding the actual progress, JICA experts introduced the online greenhouse gas inventory reporting system of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment which is being developed with the support of the SPI-NDC Project, thereby pointing out the opportunities and challenges encountered in designing and operating the online grassroots greenhouse gas inventory reporting system in Vietnam.
During the dialogue session, delegates from Japan, Singapore, Denmark, and Thailand also shared policies, experiences, and lessons learned in building and effectively operating a grassroots greenhouse gas reporting system, especially in coordinating with the private sector so that the system's functions continue to be improved and its data become increasingly accurate.
According to Mr. Nguyen Tuan Quang, the information is a valuable reference source for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in developing, operating and managing Vietnam's online grassroots greenhouse gas inventory reporting system in the future, as well as contributing to the process of realizing climate targets committed to in the national NDC and international agreements.
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