At this morning's group discussion session on the socio-economic situation, National Assembly delegate Tran Quoc Tuan (Tra Vinh delegation) proposed that the National Assembly and the Government pay attention to directing inspections of training, granting doctoral degrees, and conferring titles of associate professor and professor to ensure real quality and not cause negative impacts on society.

The delegate raised an unexpected case, that of Mr. Vuong Tan Viet.

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National Assembly Delegate Tran Quoc Tuan

Delegate Tran Quoc Tuan raised the issue that the use of fake high school diplomas was only exposed on social networking sites, and not verified by the inspection and examination agencies of the education sector. According to him, this shows that the management and training of university and doctoral degrees at some of our higher education institutions need more attention...

From the incident, many voters are concerned and worried about the reputation and quality of training and degrees in the current education sector.

Mr. Tuan said that voters are wondering how many other similar cases exist besides this one? Where are those fake PhDs? What have they been doing? Are they negatively affecting the operations of state agencies or the development of the community and society?

Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (Venerable Thich Chan Quang) admitted to using illegal high school diplomas and voluntarily surrendered the diplomas for handling according to regulations.

Mr. Viet studied English Language, distance learning program at the University of Foreign Languages ​​(now Hanoi University) from 1994-2001. This was also the first university to grant Mr. Viet a bachelor's degree. Then, in 2019, he continued to be recognized for his graduation and awarded a bachelor's degree in Law with a second degree - part-time study, with excellent grades at Hanoi Law University.

The Ministry of Education and Training has requested relevant higher education institutions to urgently revoke the diploma granted to Mr. Vuong Tan Viet according to the law, and at the same time review the training organization process to avoid similar cases.

Hanoi Law University carries out procedures to cancel Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's training results.

Hanoi Law University carries out procedures to cancel Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's training results.

Hanoi Law University has conducted legal procedures to cancel the training results and revoke the degrees granted to Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (Venerable Thich Chan Quang).
Mr. Vuong Tan Viet voluntarily surrendered illegal diplomas.

Mr. Vuong Tan Viet voluntarily surrendered illegal diplomas.

Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (Venerable Thich Chan Quang) admitted to illegally using his high school diploma and voluntarily surrendered the diplomas for handling according to regulations.
Mr. Vuong Tan Viet used an illegal high school diploma.

Mr. Vuong Tan Viet used an illegal high school diploma.

The Ministry of Education and Training determined that Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (Venerable Thich Chan Quang) used an illegal high school diploma and Mr. Viet also admitted this.