According to the enrollment announcement for the 2024-2025 school year of the High School for the Gifted in Natural Sciences, the school will enroll 5 specialized groups including math, physics, chemistry, biology, and information technology. The school will stop enrolling high-quality students according to regulations and increase the enrollment quota for specialized groups. Each group will enroll 105 students, an increase of 15 quotas/group compared to the previous school year.
Students taking the entrance exam to the High School for Natural Sciences last year
The school still reserves a maximum of 10% of its quota for direct admission of candidates who have won first prize in the provincial excellent student competition. Candidates registering for a class must have won a prize in that subject, except for the IT specialized class, which accepts prizes in math or IT in the National Youth IT Competition. Students in this category are encouraged to ask for a letter of recommendation from a teacher who has directly taught them.
The remaining candidates will take the entrance exam. They can register for a maximum of 2/5 specialized classes if the exam schedules do not overlap.
All candidates will take two general exams, math and literature (120 minutes each), in the morning and afternoon of June 2, then take the specialized exam (150 minutes) on June 3. Candidates who register for a specialized class will take the corresponding exam, except for the IT specialized class, the entrance exam is math.
To be considered for admission, candidates must take all subjects and achieve a score of 4 or higher. The admission score is the sum of the general math score and the specialized subject score multiplied by a factor of 2, without adding priority points.
The school accepts application documents from April 15 to May 13, with the fee being 450,000 VND/specialized subject, 600,000 VND for 2 subjects, an increase of 50,000 - 100,000 VND compared to last year. Results will be announced before June 25.
The school only tests specialized subjects for admission.
The High School for Gifted Students in Social Sciences and Humanities (Hanoi National University) also announced the recruitment of 140 students for 4 specialized classes for the next school year. Of these, there are 2 specialized literature classes, and 1 specialized class for each subject: history and geography. The number of students per class is 35. Except for the literature subject, which increased its quota by 4, the remaining two specialized classes remain unchanged from last year.
The school also complies with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, stopping recruiting non-specialized students, often called "high-quality classes" from this year.
A notable change in this year's admission method of the High School for Social Sciences and Humanities is that candidates applying to the school only have to take the specialized subject exam in 150 minutes on the morning of June 1. The exam score is calculated on a scale of 10, rounded to two decimal places.
Up to this point, this is the school with the fewest number of entrance exams for grade 10. In previous years, in addition to the specialized subject, candidates had to take three general subjects including math, literature and English. The admission score is the sum of the exams on a 10-point scale, with the specialized subject multiplied by a coefficient of two.
The Specialized School of Social Sciences and Humanities still does not give priority points to candidates. However, for those with the same admission score and at the bottom of the list, the school will give priority to candidates with provincial-level excellent student awards (the subject must be a subject in the specialized exam), then candidates with IELTS from 4.5 or higher, or other equivalent certificates, and finally consider the average foreign language score of 7 semesters (except semester II of grade 9).
Ministry of Education and Training requires eliminating non-specialized classes in specialized schools
The Ministry of Education and Training has issued Circular No. 05/2023/TT-BGDDT on the regulations on the organization and operation of specialized schools. The Circular takes effect from April 15, 2023, requiring that non-specialized classes not be organized in specialized schools under any form. However, enrollment in non-specialized classes in specialized high schools will be carried out until the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
According to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, non-specialized classes that have been enrolled and organized in specialized high schools continue to follow the regulations in Circular No. 06/2012/TT-BGDDT and Circular No. 12/2014/TT-BGDDT until the end of grade 12.
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