Dr. Cu Van Trung commented that the right to human development in our country has made great strides. (Photo: NVCC) |
A great step forward in the right to human development
How do you evaluate the right to human development in our country today?
It can be affirmed that the right to development of people in our country has made great strides in the past decades. It is not only the recognition of basic rights of citizens, the implementation of policies on ethnic and religious development or the concretization of political rights to run for the National Assembly and People's Council. More deeply, it is the awareness, determination and efforts of our Party in realizing universal human values.
More and more domestic politicians are speaking confidently about the achievements in this field in domestic and international forums. The mere fact that Vietnamese senior leaders have not hesitated to mention the concepts of political rights, civil rights, and human development rights over the years is enough to show a very different image of Vietnam from theoretical awareness to practical action.
At the same time, our people are increasingly participating in the activities of the State, the people are enjoying the fruits of the renovation process and especially the development opportunities for each individual are wide open. The Party and the State respect and protect the people's freedom, religion and belief. These results show that Vietnam's economy is on the path of development with progress and ensuring social justice, a characteristic that demonstrates the superiority of the nature of our country's political regime.
Vietnam always considers people as both the goal and the driving force of the country's development. How have those results been achieved from your perspective?
The above motto is completely consistent throughout the entire leadership process in the new period, the goal of "rich people, strong country, fair, democratic and civilized society" is persistently implemented by our Party. The people are the inspiration for the Party, as well as the driving force of our Party and State. The final important destination to ensure the pioneering role and mission of the Communist Party of Vietnam is the relationship between the Party and the People. Therefore, all policies and guidelines of the Party and State always consider the people as the driving force, subject and goal of the cause of national construction.
It can be said that the achievements that the Vietnamese people have enjoyed in nearly 40 years of renovation in all economic, social and cultural aspects are enormous. People's lives are constantly being cared for, the health care sector is increasingly improving, and people's quality of life is clearly improving. In terms of education and culture, the educational level and labor capacity of the Vietnamese people are different from before.
Cultural and religious life has changed a lot, the socio-economic development strategy in the regions, ethnic and religious policies in our country are trusted and implemented by the people, national defense and security are maintained. All of the above results reflect the correctness of the Party and State in considering the people as the subject and the goal of development.
In your opinion, what conditions should be created so that everyone and the community in society have equal opportunities to develop, access common resources and develop all potentials, participate, contribute and equally enjoy the fruits of national development?
The speed of access to information, resources and the implementation of human development rights is different for each subject. Therefore, there is no uniformity and "leveling" in this issue. For example, advanced and qualified individuals should have the ability to skillfully and effectively implement their political rights and human development rights. They know how to debate, speak freely and access the media to speak up. But there are also people who have more difficulties because their capacity and level of understanding are limited.
That is to say, we are in the middle of two efforts, one side is the increasingly widening reach, the increasingly open political space for people to freely exercise their development rights, and the other side is the ability to use the achievements, the sweet fruits of universal human values. That is, we are practicing, training to move towards a state of true professionalism. That is why there is the proposition "expanding democracy associated with strengthening discipline and order".
Vietnam's practical actions in implementing human rights are also an opportunity for Vietnam to enhance its position and prestige. (Source: vtv.vn) |
Sustainable Development Goals
What recommendations do you have for implementing sustainable development goals in Vietnam so that no one is left behind, everyone is cared for, and conditions are created for comprehensive development?
The Sustainable Development Goals are the dream and aspiration of all governments and people of any country or nation. Vietnam is in the process of economic transformation, where extensive development is gradually being replaced by in-depth development, applying science, technology and high-quality human resources to that process. The goal is to make the next generation increasingly prosperous, develop comprehensively, and everyone has the opportunity to fully access resources.
I believe that, in order to do this, all State policies must comply with the maximum benefit of the people, minimizing harm to any disadvantaged or small groups in the social community. That is, we must solve the problem of benefits between social groups in the development strategy. A state of the people, by the people and for the people must aim for the highest goal of the majority in any policy making before promulgation.
I recommend that harmonizing policies is an important solution for people to see their place in the country's development process. Any regression, staying behind or having a gap creates disadvantages and is an unnecessary obstacle to the goal of human development.
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong once said that our country has never had such a foundation, potential, position and international prestige as it does today. People have the right to develop, to freely run for election, to express their views in society... Is that the result of Vietnam's efforts for human rights?
This is thanks to the correct and wise leadership of our Party. Only by being for the people, for humanity as well as being concerned and concerned about the difficulties of the people has our country's politicians seen the truth, assessed the truth correctly and the Party has carried out the renovation successfully.
The current foundation, potential, position and international prestige are also the goals of human development that our Party pursues. In our country, the relationship between the People and the Party is likened to the relationship between “fish and water”. “This country is a people’s country, a country of folk songs and myths”; (Nguyen Khoa Diem) “People’s houses are cramped, people come here to dry rice, the people’s rice covers the heroes’ graves” (Nguyen Dinh Thi)...
That said, our Party has made great efforts in leading economic development, but has also constantly sought solutions to ensure fairness and social security. Looking at the reality of some foreign countries, the hidden corners in developed countries regarding the gap between rich and poor, and human rights being degraded by pragmatism and materialism, we can see the humanity and superiority of our country's regime.
As I mentioned, we have had and are having many human development rights, civil rights, political rights such as the right to run for election, freedom of religion, speech, press... All of these contribute to enriching the development space of each person in modern society. However, to comprehend and implement them properly requires capacity as well as accompanying understanding (understanding of the law, national culture, political history of the country, literature of the country). To fully and completely implement the right to human development, each individual needs to express himself in a friendly manner, create trust and always be constructive.
Looking from the happiness index
The report marks a decade of the United Nations’ initiative to promote national happiness. In this report, Vietnam’s happiness index has increased by 12 places, from 77th in 2022 to 65th in 2023. Are you optimistic about these indicators?
What is the relationship between this index and the right to development of people in Vietnam? This index is an initiative of the United Nations to make governments and people pay more attention to the issue of improving spiritual life and happiness in the development process of their country. Although the above results are for reference only, in terms of the long-term trend of sustainable development, it is the progress that humanity is aiming for. Vietnam's drop from 77 to 65 with 12 steps is very encouraging.
After a rapid and hot development cycle in some countries in the world, humanity has increasingly gained experience and realized that the trade-off of development in breadth as well as the way of calculating GDP to measure the national economy has revealed many limitations. The criteria of happiness index are increasingly valued, the development in depth, sustainability as well as the stability and happiness of the people are the measure of the trust that people have for the Government.
Obviously, there is a reciprocal relationship between the happiness index and the right to human development. A country where people feel safe, happy and joyful is where universal human values are present. When people's lives improve, the quality of services is guaranteed, political rights are enforced, and civil rights are carried out, people will certainly show their agreement and high trust in the political system and the ruling party. Vietnam has all the necessary and sufficient factors. Therefore, it can be seen that the right to human development in our country is increasingly affirmed.
Thank you!
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