Focus on completing assigned projects and tasks
In the first 3 months of the year, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has achieved many results in implementing the Work Program, especially in performing tasks in specialized fields.
Highlighting these results, Mr. Pham Tan Tuyen - Chief of Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment said that from the beginning of 2024, closely following the Government's management theme: "Discipline, responsibility, proactiveness, timelyness, accelerating creativity, sustainable efficiency", the Party Committee and the Ministry's leaders have been very determined in leading and directing the units under the Ministry to deploy and carry out tasks with focus and key points; closely following reality, grasping the situation, being sensitive and timely in responding to policies; being flexible, responsible and effective in removing difficulties and obstacles, focusing on handling outstanding and newly arising issues.
In which, the Government and Prime Minister's directives have been promptly and promptly implemented. The Ministry has issued the Action Program of the Natural Resources and Environment Sector; Fully and thoroughly prepared documents and materials for the National Assembly and Government Sessions; The Ministry has also chaired and organized many large and important conferences, participated in working delegations of Party and State leaders working with localities to provide guidance and promptly remove difficulties and obstacles in the management of natural resources and environment.
In addition, it has directed strongly and closely the implementation of major, key and urgent tasks: organizing the implementation of the Land Law, the Water Resources Law, developing the Law on Geology and Minerals; completing the Draft National Marine Spatial Planning; removing difficulties and obstacles, speeding up the progress of investment projects, allocating and disbursing public investment capital; organizing the construction and completion of the land database. At the same time, continuing to promote and effectively implement international cooperation; coordinating with international partners to organize international conferences and seminars on climate change, plastic pollution, etc.
Regarding the direction and key tasks for April and the second quarter of 2024, Chief of Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Pham Tan Tuyen said that the assigned units will focus on developing and completing projects and tasks assigned to the Ministry under the Work Program of the Politburo, Secretariat and Party and Government Personnel Committee in 2024 to submit to competent authorities to ensure quality and deadline.
In addition, focus on completing, submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation and implementing national plans, sectoral plans, and plans for natural resources and environment to ensure consistency, unity and effectiveness in the state management of the Industry.
Units implement Official Dispatch No. 24/CD-TTg dated March 22, 2024 of the Prime Minister on accelerating the allocation and disbursement of public investment capital in 2024 to relevant levels, departments, collectives and individuals; develop detailed disbursement plans for each job, each item, and task from start to finish; assign responsibilities to individuals and organizations for each corresponding job; strive for a disbursement rate of over 30% by June 30, 2024, over 60% by September 30, 2024, and over 95% by January 31, 2025.
At the same time, complete and submit for promulgation the Ministry's Regulations on decentralization of personnel organization management; review and approve the planning of leaders and managers of units under the Ministry for the period 2024 - 2026 and 2026 - 2031. Organize the recruitment of civil servants according to the plan approved by the Ministry; continue to complete the draft Planning of the network of public units in the natural resources and environment sector.
In addition, promptly and effectively implement inspection, examination and supervision work; verify assets and income in 2024 as planned; continue to implement conclusions and recommendations of previous supervision, inspection, examination and audit delegations; focus on implementing and completing cases of judicial appraisal and asset valuation...
At the Conference, heads of units exchanged, discussed and proposed solutions for the coming time on administrative procedure reform; training programs, staff planning; budget allocation for assigned tasks; development and promulgation of Circulars promulgating economic and technical norms on collection, transportation and treatment of domestic solid waste; development of land database; mineral management; inspection and examination work... as well as coordination with units inside and outside the Ministry to carry out common tasks.
Further enhance consultation and coordination
Speaking at the Conference, the Deputy Ministers also pointed out the shortcomings and limitations in performing professional tasks, emphasizing the coordination between units. Deputy Minister Le Minh Ngan said that the state management fields of the Ministry are closely related, so it is necessary to have the cooperation of all units in the Ministry in coordinating the implementation of tasks. Specifically, in the development of legal documents, the Deputy Minister suggested that the heads of units need to pay more attention to understanding and closely following the tasks. Agreeing with the opinion of Deputy Minister Le Minh Ngan, Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa said that the heads of units must be responsible for the content and documents of the unit, avoiding putting the work on the synthesis units.
Regarding other professional tasks, Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa requested that units responsible for organizing and perfecting the organization should soon prepare conditions for civil servant and public employee recruitment exams and complete job position projects to ensure the rights of civil servants, public employees and workers.
Deputy Minister Tran Quy Kien requested that the assigned units must proactively carry out the tasks of building a land database, coordinate with units inside and outside the Ministry to carry out the tasks assigned in the Government's Project 06. Deputy Minister Le Cong Thanh also requested that the units build online reporting systems to better monitor work groups, especially the need to build a database system of questions and recommendations from voters and localities to be able to provide information in a timely manner.
Concluding the Conference, Minister Dang Quoc Khanh agreed with the opinions of the Deputy Ministers, and requested the units of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to further improve the coordination between the units under the Ministry in particular and the ministries, branches and localities in general to have the most effective and practical solutions to bring environmental resources to serve the country's development.
Appreciating the tasks completed in the first quarter of 2024, Minister Dang Quoc Khanh suggested that in the coming time, the units of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment need to continue to promote their achievements, at the same time, be receptive to comments and contributions, and proactive in performing the tasks assigned by the National Assembly, the Government, and the Ministry's leaders. The Minister assigned the Ministry's Office to monitor and urge the units of the Ministry to coordinate better and complete the work groups excellently.
Regarding specific tasks, Minister Dang Quoc Khanh requested that assigned units prepare documents and reports well to serve the upcoming National Assembly session.
Be proactive in work to promptly complete documents for drafting Decrees and guiding circulars; review planning to report to the Ministry's leaders for consideration.
Regarding the content of building a land database according to the 1+63 perspective, the Minister proposed to soon complete documents to guide localities to have coordination in building and completing a unified national land database from the central to local levels.
In the field of climate change, review and evaluate the implementation of JETP and assign responsibilities for developing a policy framework for implementing JETP; support the implementation of the Political Declaration establishing a partnership for a just energy transition...
In the environmental field, in addition to state management, it is necessary to continue reforming administrative procedures, strengthening supervision, inspection, examination, and prevention of negativity...
Minister Dang Quoc Khanh also encouraged research and development of scientific and technological topics with high practical application to serve management activities, data collection, forecasting, warning, etc.
In particular, emphasizing the development of high-quality human resources, Minister Dang Quoc Khanh requested that universities improve the quality of training, research institutes encourage scientists to have a development environment; recruitment must have programs and policies to attract high-quality human resources to serve the development of the Ministry, the industry and the country.
Among the achievements in the first quarter of 2024, administrative reform was highly appreciated. On April 17, at the Conference to announce the Satisfaction Index of People and Organizations with the Services of State Administrative Agencies (SIPAS) and the Administrative Reform Index of Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities (PAR Index) in 2023, the PAR Index in 2023 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment reached 87.01/100 points, ranked 5/17 ministries and ministerial-level agencies, up 0.42 points and 1 rank compared to 2022, continuing to be in the high-ranking group.
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