At the conference to evaluate the implementation of the National Target Program on New Rural Construction in 2023, deploy tasks for 2024 and commend advanced examples in implementing the emulation movement of donating land to join hands in building New Rural Construction (afternoon of April 10), many delegates shared good experiences in donating land and building New Rural Construction.
* Donating land to build new rural areas requires sharing for the community of each household.
Mr. Nguyen Van Que, Nhan Trach village, Quang Trach commune (Quang Xuong).
Previously, the traffic system in Nhan Trach village in particular and Quang Trach commune (Quang Xuong) in general was still narrow. The main village road was only 3 to 4m wide, the alley road was 2.5 to 3m wide, many roads were degraded, greatly affecting the travel, production and business activities of the people and the environmental landscape of the residential area was not green, clean and beautiful.
In 2023, when the commune and village organized a meeting to discuss the policy of upgrading and expanding the traffic system in the village to build an advanced new-style rural commune, my family and I were extremely happy and excited. However, the initial implementation of expanding the traffic system in the village also encountered many difficulties, partly due to the lack of awareness of some people; some people still had the mindset of waiting and asking for support from superiors; the economy in the village was also uneven...
As a citizen living and working in Nhan Trach village, I realize that if I do not voluntarily and actively respond to the movement of the village and commune and make sacrifices and share for the community, the land donation for the construction of roads in the village cannot be implemented. Therefore, I have mobilized my family, wife and children to voluntarily dismantle the fence, donate nearly 100m2 of residential land, and spend their own money to rebuild the fence and gate. The total contribution is about 400 million VND. In addition, during the implementation process, I, along with the Party cell secretary, village chief and the men and women in the Village Development Board, went to each household to propagate, mobilize and persuade the people. As a result, households were mobilized to participate in donating more than 150m2 of residential land and assets on the land, handing over the site for the commune to organize the construction.
After donating land, the roads in the village were upgraded and widened to 5m, the road surface was paved with asphalt, had drainage ditches, road markings, planted flowers and trees, the awareness and responsibility of households in maintaining environmental hygiene and taking care of trees were also raised, the appearance of the countryside was improved, spacious and clean. Up to now, 100% of the traffic routes in Nhan Trach village have met the requirements of the criteria for advanced NTM communes.
* Donating land to open roads - a "premise" to promote new rural construction
Mr. Thieu Khac Tho, Deputy Secretary of Party Cell, Head of Trieu Tien Village, Dong Tien Commune (Dong Son).
Starting to implement the Program to build advanced new rural areas and model new rural areas, Trieu Tien village, Dong Tien commune (Dong Son) has encountered certain difficulties, especially in implementing the traffic criteria because it requires a lot of resources, the population in the village lives concentratedly, the traffic infrastructure system is invested according to the old criteria, relatively small. To successfully build the model new rural village standard, propaganda and mobilization work plays a decisive role and significance so that people understand, agree, and join hands to donate land to build new rural areas, and complete the criteria, especially the traffic criteria.
Based on policies, support mechanisms, and investment support policies of all levels, the Trieu Tien Village Development Board has promoted propaganda and mobilized people in the village to participate in many forms through village meetings, residential group meetings, radio broadcasts on the village loudspeaker system, printing leaflets and collecting votes to ask for opinions from households on the policy of building advanced new rural areas and model new rural areas. Specifically, 6 conferences were held at the village cultural house, over 500 leaflets were printed and 100% of households were asked to vote on the policy of the Party and State on building advanced new rural areas and model new rural areas, 100% of people agreed with the policy of building new rural areas in the area. At the same time, members were assigned to directly go to households to propagate and mobilize to grasp the ideology, mobilize people to join hands in building new rural areas, participate with the commune's propaganda teams, coordinate with investors to mobilize households to donate land to expand roads. During the implementation process, each member of the Village Development Board will be the first to donate land and delay road construction when there is a plan to expand the road through their house.
Thanks to the good mobilization work, 100% of households in Trieu Tien village whose land is within the scope of needing to be donated have agreed, agreed, and agreed to donate land, ensuring the progress of road construction. Up to now, the whole village has had 215 households donating more than 5,000m2 of land and constructions and architectures on the land (of which 13 households donated solid constructions) to expand 15 village and inter-village roads with a length of 4,894.4m and a width of 4.5m - 7.5m. The current traffic system in the village is wide, airy and 100% asphalted and concreted, ensuring convenient travel for the people, creating conditions for developing production and trade.
At the same time, the Party Committee has led the Front Committee and mass organizations in the village and carried out propaganda work among the people to mobilize resources from labor export to invest, upgrade, renovate, and build new houses. Up to now, there are no more temporary, dilapidated houses in the village and 436/436 households, reaching 100% have houses that meet the standards of the Ministry of Construction; 100% of households have arranged their household items neatly, scientifically, and conveniently.
The Village Development Board has mobilized 2 households with gardens over 500 m2 and 6 households with gardens over 200 m2 ensuring cleanliness, beautiful and harmonious landscapes, and products that ensure food safety; and have planning drawings confirmed by the Commune People's Committee to invest in building model gardens. Up to now, the percentage of households with green fences or fences harmoniously combined with planting green trees and flowers is 375/436 households, reaching 86%.
* Allocate more capital so that people can continue to invest in production, business, and strive to get rich.
Mr. Le Huu Quyen, Director of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies - Thanh Hoa Province Branch.
Policy credit capital (TDCS) has been and is an important resource, contributing to socio-economic development, achieving the goal of sustainable poverty reduction, helping localities effectively implement the new rural construction program (NTM), ensuring social security in the province.
Accordingly, the Bank for Social Policies - Thanh Hoa Provincial Branch (BSP Thanh Hoa) has focused on disbursing TDCS programs to 100% of communes, wards and towns across the province, directly contributing to the implementation of 6/11 components of the National Target Program on New Rural Construction and 8/19 criteria in the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes.
Accordingly, the program for poor and near-poor households has contributed to reducing the poverty rate over the years, helping localities complete criterion No. 11 on poor households. The housing construction loan program helps borrowers stabilize their lives, solve social security issues, and contribute to implementing criterion No. 9 on residential housing. Loan programs for production and business to create livelihoods and jobs have attracted and created jobs for tens of thousands of workers, increasing income for borrowers; contributing to implementing criterion No. 10 on income, criterion No. 12 on the rate of workers with regular jobs. The student program contributes to implementing criterion No. 14.2 on the rate of junior high school graduates continuing to high school, and criterion No. 14.3 on the rate of workers with jobs after training. The rural clean water and environmental sanitation program contributes to implementing criterion No. 17.1 on the rate of households using hygienic water and clean water according to regulations, criterion No. 17.6 on the rate of households with hygienic toilets, bathrooms, and water tanks that ensure 3 clean, criterion No. 17.7 on the rate of livestock households with livestock barns that ensure environmental sanitation in the National Criteria for New Rural Communes...
To continue to improve the effectiveness of the TDCS programs, contributing to the implementation of the New Rural Construction Program in the province, it is recommended that the Provincial People's Committee allocate additional capital to compensate for the Government's preferential credit capital for people in communes in regions II and III that have been upgraded to New Rural so that people can continue to invest in production, business, and legitimately seek to get rich.
* Promoting the role of Party committees and authorities in the movement of donating land to build new rural areas
Secretary of Trieu Son District Party Committee Le Van Tuan
Identifying infrastructure development as a breakthrough and a premise for socio-economic development, the Party Executive Committee of Trieu Son district issued Resolution No. 12 on strengthening the leadership and direction of Party committees in mobilizing people to donate land and expand roads.
To carry out the People's Land Donation Campaign, the district determined that it is necessary to have the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the participation of the entire political system to create a movement that is supported and agreed upon by the people. The content, methods and approaches must be consistent and effective, ensuring harmony between social interests and people's interests; combining support and investment resources from the State budget with resources contributed by the people; combining People's land donation to expand roads with the construction of advanced rural areas and model rural areas in the direction of urban development. The Resolution also sets out criteria for opening roads that exceed the criteria for building advanced rural areas.
Along with that, issue incentive mechanisms, support resources from the district budget for communes and towns to have more resources to mobilize people to donate land to expand rural roads. Cadres stick closely to the grassroots, are responsible, not afraid of difficulties, grasp the situation of implementing the resolution, promptly reflect difficulties and problems to have solutions suitable to the actual situation. Propaganda and mobilization work for people to donate land to expand rural roads is implemented in many rich and diverse forms from the district to the grassroots, according to the conditions of each locality.
As of March 25, 2024, the whole district has donated 462 km; the donated land area is 48.9 ha; the number of villages that have donated land is 254/254 villages, reaching 100%; the number of households that have donated land is 15,514 households; the total mobilized budget is estimated at about 3,700 billion VND.
In addition to the achieved results, the land donation for road construction in the district also encountered some difficulties, namely: Limited budget resources from communes and towns, many localities do not have revenue to develop support plans for the people; many electric poles have to be relocated; in some localities, a part of the people still rely on support from the State budget.
To continue the movement of donating land to open roads, Trieu Son district determined that there must be leadership and direction from the Party Committee; the participation of the entire political system. Cadres directly mobilizing the people must "know the lesson" and know how to share experiences between localities with good and creative ways of doing things. Cadres must be close, persistent in persuading "to every alley, knocking on every door", "doing easy things first, doing difficult things later". Effectively combine resources, mainly mobilizing from the people, with the motto "using the people's strength to take care of the people". Well implement the democratic regulations to ensure "people know, people discuss, people do, people check, people supervise, people benefit".
In order for the land donation movement to become a widespread development movement, the district hopes that the province will study and support cement for people to pour concrete on roads that have been donated but do not have funds to build roads, build drainage ditches as well as move electric poles; have a mechanism to support funding to mobilize people to donate land to open roads on provincial roads, so that the traffic system is synchronized.
* Muong people actively donate land to build roads
Ms. Bui Thi Nhung, Chairwoman of People's Committee of Ngoc Son Commune (Ngoc Lac)
Ngoc Son is a mountainous commune of Ngoc Lac district with a population of 5,017 people, mainly Muong ethnic people accounting for 87%. In 2012, Ngoc Son commune implemented the National Target Program on New Rural Development (NTM) but only achieved 1/19 criteria. By 2017, the commune had just escaped from the extremely difficult commune and the poverty rate was up to 36%. Traffic infrastructure is still lacking and weak, most of the inter-village roads are dirt roads that are muddy in the rainy season, making it difficult to transport goods and develop the economy and society.
Based on the criteria for building new rural areas and advanced new rural areas, Ngoc Son commune has reviewed the planning, land use plans, current status of roads in the area and mobilized people to donate land to expand rural roads. When there was a policy to expand village roads and alleys to build new rural areas, ethnic minorities in Ngoc Son commune all supported and voluntarily donated thousands of square meters of land to build roads. In particular, in 2019, people in the commune donated more than 17,000 square meters of land of all kinds; in 2021, 2022, they donated more than 12,800 square meters and in 2023, 19,634.7 square meters of land of all kinds. Along with that, people voluntarily demolished many works and architectural structures such as: gates, vases, fences and crops and contributed more money to pour concrete, widen roads, and build drainage ditches. Notably, about 96% of households participating in donating land to expand roads are Muong ethnic people. Thanks to that, up to now, Ngoc Son commune has 35.6km of concrete roads with widths from 3m - 7.5m (100%) and 12.7km of drainage ditches. The whole commune has implemented a 30.5km public lighting system, 12 sets of decorative lamp posts designed and connected with flashing string lights from the people's contributions. In addition, ethnic people in Ngoc Son commune have planted 26.5km of green fences in households and public areas.
With the efforts of cadres and people, in September 2019, Ngoc Son commune was recognized as meeting NTM standards and is starting to build advanced NTM.
Promoting the achieved results, in the period of 2024-2025, Ngoc Son commune continues to lead and direct the maintenance and improvement of the achieved NTM criteria. In particular, focusing on perfecting cultural institutions, developing the economy, ensuring security and order; focusing on improving and maintaining environmental sanitation, aiming for a beautiful and sustainable ecological environment to orient the development of community tourism, creating many values from a bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe environmental landscape.
* Contribute to the homeland to build new rural areas
Mr. Nguyen Huu Xuan, Xuan Tho commune (Trieu Son) - living in Bien Hoa city (Dong Nai).
Leaving my hometown in 1992 to make a living in the South, I always turn to my hometown, always want to contribute to my hometown Xuan Tho (Trieu Son), do meaningful things for the locality. 2 years ago, Trieu Son district had a policy of mobilizing people to donate land to expand rural roads, I think this is a very correct policy, in line with the aspirations of the people, creating a premise for the socio-economic development of the district and possibly becoming an urban area. I discussed with my wife and children to spend part of the accumulated funds to support Xuan Tho commune to build some essential works such as schools, rural roads and some other works with a total value of about 50 billion VND. To me, these are very practical and meaningful actions to contribute to the construction of the new rural area with my hometown.
My family and I feel very happy and pleased to have contributed to the construction of our homeland. Every time I return to my hometown, I see Thanh Hoa province developing more and more, the appearance and face of the countryside changing fundamentally; those who are far from home like me are very excited and happy with the results achieved in implementing the National Target Program on New Rural Construction of the province. At the same time, I always believe in the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the government from the province to the grassroots level, especially the correct policy of Trieu Son district on mobilizing people to donate land to expand rural roads. I also hope that the children of Thanh Hoa will promote the spirit of solidarity, working and living in all parts of the country, at home and abroad, no matter where they are, doing business, producing, doing business in any field, if possible, they should turn to their homeland, join hands with the Party Committee and the government to build their homeland Thanh Hoa to become more and more prosperous.
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