Coc Xa is a hamlet with many difficulties in Hong Tri commune, with 100% of the population being Lo Lo ethnic people. Because the hamlet is located at a high altitude and has no underground water source, in the past, to have water for daily use, people had to wake up very early, collect small buckets of water from the stream, several kilometers away from their house. Each trip, people could only carry 3-4 buckets, each bucket of 20 liters of water, so they had to use it very sparingly.
Faced with this situation, in 2022, the capital of Project 1 "Solving the shortage of residential land, housing, production land, and domestic water" of the National Target Program 1719, Coc Xa hamlet was invested in building a centralized clean water project, with a total value of 1 billion 500 million VND. The project was started in November 2022 and was completed and put into use in May 2023, bringing great joy to the Lo Lo households here.
Ms. Lang Thi Chu, 60 years old, a resident of Coc Xa hamlet, happily said: Thanks to the State's investment in a water line to the village, she no longer has to wake up early to fetch water for use. Less hard work means that in addition to working to increase production, she has more time to take care of her children and grandchildren.
Not only completing the construction, the issue of operation after acceptance and putting into use is also of concern to the people of Coc Xa hamlet and the government of Hong Tri commune. The commune established an operation and repair team consisting of representatives of the villages that have invested in water lines, directly responsible for regulating water for the villagers' daily use. The operating costs of the operation team are contributed by the people based on the monthly water consumption of each household, on average, for 1m3 of water, the people will pay a fee of 2,000 VND.
Mr. To Van Ngan, Head of Coc Xa Hamlet, said: For generations, people in Coc Xa have had to go down to the streams to bathe and fetch water for daily activities. During dry seasons, people have to save water for bathing and washing; sometimes, even drinking water is scarce. Families with vehicles to transport water are better off, but families without vehicles have to carry water for daily activities, which is very difficult.
"Thanks to the investment in building a clean water project, now there is a water tank right in front of the village, people no longer have to worry about getting water for daily use like before. People in the village are very excited," said To Van Ngan.
Mr. Nguyen Minh Chau, Head of the Ethnic Affairs Department of Bao Lac District, Cao Bang Province, said: Implementing Project 1 "Solving the shortage of residential land, housing, production land, and domestic water", National Target Program 1719, Coc Xa Commune has invested in a clean water project. This is an important and practical project, meeting the aspirations of the people for many years. At the same time, it demonstrates the attention of the Party and State to remote areas and ethnic minority areas, contributing to gradually improving people's lives.
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