New list of category 4 health conditions

Báo Quốc TếBáo Quốc Tế17/12/2023

Regarding the classification standards by disease and health problems, Circular 105/2023/TT-BQP has detailed regulations in Section II, Appendix I.
Nghĩa vụ quân sự 2025: Danh mục mới về các bệnh tật thuộc sức khỏe loại 4
Military Service 2025: New List of Class 4 Health Illnesses.

What is type 4 health?

Based on the scores for the examination indicators to classify health, specifically as follows:

- Type 1: All indicators score 1;

- Type 2: At least 1 indicator has a score of 2;

- Type 3: At least 1 indicator has a score of 3;

- Type 4: At least 1 indicator has a score of 4;

- Type 5: At least 1 indicator has a score of 5;

- Type 6: At least 1 indicator has a score of 6.

From there, type 4 health is determined when at least 1 indicator has a score of 4.

New list of health conditions category 4 (military service 2025)

Regarding the classification standards by disease and health problems, Circular 105/2023/TT-BQP has detailed regulations in Section II, Appendix I.

Based on this section, health category 6 diseases would include:

(1) Eye diseases

- Vision (without glasses): Right eye vision is 8/10 and Total vision of both eyes is 16/10.

- Myopia: Myopia from - 3D to below - 4D

- Farsightedness: Farsightedness from +1.5D to less than +3D

- Grade 3 flesh dream

- Mild keratitis will be in case 4T

- Vernal conjunctivitis

- Severe red-green color blindness

(2) Diseases of the Teeth - Jaw - Face

- There are 6 teeth with level 3 cavities.

- Missing 5-7 teeth, including ≤ 3 molars or incisors, chewing ability remaining 50% or more

- Periodontitis in 6 - 11 teeth or more, loose teeth level 2 - 3 - 4

- 5 - 6 teeth with pulpitis, pulp necrosis or periapical inflammation that are still inflamed or have been treated stably

- Ulcers of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue: Chronic ulcers that have not been cured after repeated treatment

- Parotitis: Chronic bilateral parotitis has stabilized.

- Submandibular salivary gland inflammation: Acute inflammation

- Temporomandibular joint inflammation: Chronic inflammation

- Broken jaw: The bite is misaligned, affecting chewing ability.

- Cleft lip, cleft palate: No surgery

- Complete bilateral cleft lip: Had plastic surgery

(3) Ear - Nose - Throat diseases

- Hearing (measured in normal speech): One ear 2m (moderate to severe hearing loss)

- Outer ear: Narrowing of the entire external auditory canal

- Ear: No ear structure (only flesh buds)

- External ear polyps

- Acute otitis media or serous otitis media

- Chronic otitis media with dry, clean tympanic cavity: Small or medium tympanic membrane perforation

- Mastoiditis with mastoidectomy and tympanic membrane patching, if: Tympanic membrane is closed

- Nose: Mild respiratory, pronunciation, and swallowing disorders

- Allergic rhinitis: There is obvious respiratory dysfunction or loss of smell

- Nasal polyps: Chronic sinusitis with unilateral polyps grade I-II

- Chronic pharyngitis, cough, fever causing difficulty breathing affecting health

- Chronic tonsillitis grade II-III with respiratory dysfunction (sleep apnea, difficulty breathing...)

- Recurrent nosebleeds without anemia or mild anemia

- Chronic laryngitis, if: There is significant speech disorder such as indistinguishable or difficult to distinguish speech, poor physical condition

- Stuttering: Prolonging words (Example: C...o...n bo dai)

- Lisping: The listener understands 50% to less than 75% of the words.

- Acute sinusitis

- Chronic maxillary sinusitis

- Thyroglossal cyst (thyroglossal cyst): Poor surgical results, cyst recurrence

(4) Neurological diseases

- Persistent, prolonged headaches that affect work: Migraine; Chronic cluster headaches; Chronic tension headaches

- Hyperhidrosis (including R61.0 localized hyperhidrosis and R61.1 generalized hyperhidrosis): Moderate

- Many mutations affect health

- Peripheral vestibular disorder

- Peripheral nerve paralysis: Ulnar nerve paralysis; Loss or reduction of mobility in a limb (Little impact on work and daily activities)

- Radiculopathy and nerve plexus: Little effect on movement and sensation

- Myopathy: mild muscle weakness, little effect on movement

- TIC disorders

- Back pain due to:

+ Double spine

+ Spinal degeneration: Moderate level: degeneration of 3-6 vertebrae, no nerve compression

+ Herniated disc: Mild level: local pain, no nerve compression, little impact on work

- Neck pain due to disorders related to the cervical spine

+ Cervical spondylosis: Moderate level: degeneration of 2-4 vertebrae, no nerve compression

+ Cervical disc herniation: Mild level: local pain, no nerve compression, little impact on work

- Traumatic brain injury, old wounds that do not penetrate the brain leave mild neurological sequelae: If the EEG does not change

(5) Mental Illnesses

- Depressive disorder: Mild level

- Acute and transient psychotic disorders: Full recovery

- Gender identity disorders

- Disorders of sexual preference

- Mixed personality disorders and different personality types

- Anxiety disorder: Recovered

- Dissociative disorder (transfer): Restored normal activities

- Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and physical disease: Recovered

(6) Digestive diseases

- Stomach and duodenal diseases: Chronic gastritis and duodenitis; Uncomplicated gastric and duodenal ulcers; Gastric and duodenal diverticula that affect health to a greater or lesser extent

- Small intestine perforation due to causes requiring surgery: Results do not affect digestion

- Mechanical intestinal obstruction after surgery: Good results

- Laparoscopic surgery through the abdominal wall has intervened in internal organs, with sequelae (depending on the level)

- Irritable bowel syndrome: Moderate

- Rectal prolapse: Repeated infections

- Anal papilloma: Untreated or recurrent

- Internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, or mixed hemorrhoids with multiple clusters (2 or more clusters) measuring from 0.5 cm to 1 cm

- Chronic persistent hepatitis

- Liver flukes leave sequelae (depending on the severity)

- Liver abscess has been treated and stabilized

- Gallstones in the liver: Multiple cysts or diameter ≥ 2 cm

- Liver hemangioma: 3 - 5 cm hemangioma

- Solitary gallstones, not operated

- Gallbladder stones after gallbladder removal: Does not affect daily activities

- Cholecystitis, cholangitis, acute cholecystitis due to solitary gallstones operated on for more than 1 year, stable

- Pancreas: Acute pancreatitis treated with internal medicine; Pancreatic cyst

- Spleen: Splenomegaly due to causes; Splenic cysts; Benign tumors of the spleen

(7) Respiratory diseases

- Respiratory syndromes and symptoms: Coughing up blood of unknown cause

- Bronchiectasis: Localized bronchiectasis, no complications

- Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis: Does not affect respiratory function, no complications

- Pneumothorax: Recurrence many times

- Pulmonary tuberculosis: Suspected pulmonary tuberculosis (with tuberculosis syndrome, history of exposure and history of tuberculosis)

- Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: Peripheral lymph node tuberculosis has been cured; Laryngeal tuberculosis has been cured; Testicular tuberculosis has been operated and cured; Joint tuberculosis has been treated and cured.

(8) Cardiovascular diseases

- Blood pressure (resting blood pressure, regular, in mmHg): 140 - 149 or

- Minimum HA: 90 – 99

- Hypertension: Grade 1 hypertension

- Pulse (resting pulse, regular, measured in beats/minute): 50 – 54 (based on Lian test); 91 – 99

- Conduction and heart rhythm disorders:

+ First degree atrioventricular block

+ Right bundle branch block: Complete, organic cardiovascular disease

+ Ventricular ectopic arrhythmia: Moderate ventricular ectopic (10-29 beats/hour)

- Congenital heart disease: Had intervention or surgery before age 16

(9) Musculoskeletal diseases

- Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew): If it has not caused joint atrophy or deformity, joint stiffness, joint function is not limited, overall health is good

- Flat feet: Painful walking, affects carrying, running and jumping

- Thick calluses cause stiffness and affect movement.

- Corpolantaire: ≥ 3, or 1-2 but diameter over 1cm, or the ankle affects walking

- Porokeratose: There are more than 2 depressions in 1 cm2 and the diameter of the depressions is more than 2 mm, walking is not affected

- Sticky fingers and toes:

+ No surgical treatment: Affects the function of hands and feet

+ Surgical treatment: Contracture, affecting the function of hands and feet

- Extra fingers and toes: Have them removed if: They greatly affect the function of the hands and feet.

- Lost fingers; toes:

+ Missing 1 joint: Of 1 thumb; Of the index finger of the non-dominant hand; Of 1 big toe

+ Missing 2 joints: Of another finger of the hand or foot

+ Loss of 1 finger: Loss of another finger of the hand or foot

- Hallux varus or valgus: No surgery; Surgery with poor results

- Trauma, joint injuries: Medium and large joints (Not cured or Treated, leaving sequelae affecting movement)

- Dislocation: Moderate dislocation has been treated but leaves sequelae that become permanent disabilities that hinder work and daily activities; Major dislocation (corrected but leaves sequelae)

- Difference in limb length: 2 cm or less, does not cause pain or fatigue in daily life or work

- O, X, K shaped bow legs: Mild, does not affect walking, running (under 5 degrees) or has insignificant effect

- Kyphosis: Stable (no progression, no inflammation, pain), affects respiratory function

- Benign bone and cartilage tumors in multiple bones: Tumors were surgically removed, no effect on function

- Bone defect in long bones: Does not affect bone strength

- Aseptic inflammation of the anterior tibial tuberosity

- Avascular necrosis of tibial crest: Osteotomy was performed, good results

- Avascular necrosis of the humeral condyle

- Achilles tendon rupture: Sutured, good tendon healing, moderate and severe limited ankle and foot function

- Burn scars and scars from other causes:

+ Small, healed, affecting aesthetics (on face, neck): Many

+ Contraction causing deformation: Little impact on function, daily life and work

- Varicose veins: Have formed into clusters, running and walking a lot will cause tension and pain

- Benign tumors (lipomas, fibroids, mucous cysts, bone tumors) that affect daily life, work, exercise, or are ≥ 5cm in size

(10) Kidney - Urinary - Genital diseases

- Uncomplicated kidney stones: Only on one side, surgery has had good results for over 1 year; Simple kidney stones 0.6 - 1.0cm

- Kidney cyst: Had surgery to remove stones (including laparoscopic surgery)

- Bladder and urethral stones: Not yet removed; Had surgery to remove stones, good results

- Urinary syndromes: Frequent urination, painful urination, difficult urination due to physical causes

- Bladder diseases: Small bladder tumors have been operated on and have recovered well.

- Scrotal abnormalities:

+ Undescended or ectopic testicles on one side have caused complications;

+ Epididymal tumors (non-tuberculous) (classified according to complications or no complications);

+ Spermatocele: Surgery over 6 months, good progress

+ Testicular atrophy: Atrophy of one side due to another disease, if the disease has stabilized

- Orchitis, epididymitis

- Varicocele: Severe

(11) Endocrine - Metabolic - Lymphatic - Blood diseases

- Metabolic disease: Prediabetes

- Male breast enlargement (1 or 2 sides), affecting aesthetics

- Anemia due to causes: Moderate anemia

(12) Dermatological Diseases

- Skin fungus covers an area of ​​over 100 cm2, or is scattered all over the body, or has severe complications (eczema, infection...)

- Nail fungus: 5 or more nails have fungus

- Foot fungus (Interdigital fungus): White patches in 5 or more interdigital spaces, or blisters in 3 or more interdigital spaces

- Pityriasis versicolor: Diffuse form occupies more than 1/3 of the body area, affecting aesthetics (affecting many areas of the face, neck, nape)

- Hair fungus, hair loss due to causes: Moderate level

Scabies scattered all over the body and has complications: Infected dermatitis, eczema...

- Dermatitis: Eczema due to other skin diseases (fungus, contact...); Seborrheic dermatitis; Neurodermatitis (Chronic Nickel Mononucleosis) - Localized

- Connective tissue disease: Scleroderma (Localized)

- Scaly skin diseases: Psoriasis of all types; Ichthyosis

- Vitiligo: Diffuse form

- Congenital birth defects, various types of birthmarks: Area over 4 cm2 in the face and neck area, or area over 20 cm2, or scattered in many places

- Sexually transmitted diseases

+ Late stage 2 syphilis, treated properly and with full regimen;

+ Untreated acute gonorrhea;

+ Chancremou: Untreated

+ Genital warts (Papyloma)

- Necrotic fish eggs, eel eggs, keloid fish eggs

- Itchy rash, lumpy rash caused by insect bites (fruit flies, fleas, lice...): From 30 - 50 spots

- Skin tumors: Other benign tumors

- Implantation of foreign objects into the penis

- Genital and anal warts (Papyloma)

(13) Gynecological diseases

- Menstruation: Heavy, frequent and irregular menstruation

- Uterine leiomyoma (surgically removed or not)

- Benign ovarian tumor (surgically removed or not)

- Benign tumors of other unspecified genital organs (surgically removed or not)

- Benign breast dysplasia

- Breast hypertrophy

- Other changes in the breast

- Salpingitis and salpingitis

- Cervicitis

- Diseases of Bartholin's glands

- Other diseases of the vagina and vulva

- Endometriosis

- Female genital polyps

- Congenital malformations of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and broad ligament

- Congenital malformations of the uterus and cervix

- Congenital malformations of female genitalia: Double vagina; Congenital malformations of the clitoris; Congenital malformations of the breast

- Other congenital malformations of female genital organs

- Pregnant

- Genital and anal warts (Papyloma)


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