Specific criteria
According to Decision 2068/QD-BVHTTDL of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MOCST), traditional festivals must ensure 9 specific criteria, including: Management and organization criteria; Criteria on facilities and equipment; Criteria on ensuring traffic safety, social order and security; Criteria on food hygiene and safety, environmental hygiene; Criteria on organizing cultural, artistic, sports and entertainment activities; Criteria on organizing service activities; Criteria on cultural behavior when participating in festival activities; Criteria on propaganda work to implement civilized lifestyles at relics and festivals and Criteria on preserving and promoting traditional cultural values in festivals.
The set of criteria aims to standardize the construction of a cultural environment in traditional festivals, and is also a tool and measure to evaluate the capacity of managing and organizing festivals at the local level. In addition, it encourages the implementation of activities to improve and enhance the quality of traditional festival management in order to build a healthy cultural environment, meeting the people's need for spiritual and cultural enjoyment, in accordance with the country's socio-economic context.
According to Associate Professor Dr. Bui Hoai Son - Standing Member of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education, building a cultural environment for traditional festivals is of great importance, not only for preserving and promoting traditional cultural values, but also contributing positively to social development, creating opportunities for cultural exchange and promoting solidarity in the community, creating a series of important social, economic and spiritual benefits for each community and the whole country.
“The cultural environment in traditional festivals can contribute to creating consistency, deeper understanding of traditional cultural values and creating a sense of pride for people, helping to create a spirit of solidarity and together preserve and promote the strengths of national culture,” Mr. Son shared.
Standardization also helps festivals focus more on authentically expressing traditional cultural values, thereby promoting respect and preservation of cultural heritage, protecting the environment... Harmoniously resolving the relationship between preservation and development; restoring the nation's spiritual cultural heritage but also eliminating backward customs, practices, violent rituals, offensive behaviors that go against national traditions and customs in festival activities... This is a very difficult problem in managing and practicing traditional culture in our country today.
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Dr. Vu Thi Uyen - Hanoi University of Culture acknowledged that the cultural environment of traditional festivals is posing many problems. Many festivals are still heavy on formality and ostentation... The negative side of the market economy is shaking many cultural values. Reality also shows that both organizers and festival participants still show signs of disregarding social norms and following unhealthy tastes.
Therefore, to limit the negative impacts of the market mechanism on traditional festivals, there needs to be close coordination between local levels and sectors in the management and organization of festivals. The organization of traditional festivals needs to focus on preserving unique features, avoiding copying or imitating other festivals that the locality does not have; avoiding the widespread upgrading of the scale of festivals. In the immediate future, the criteria for building a cultural environment in traditional festivals should be applied immediately into practice.
Standing Member of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education - Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Hoai Son assessed: "Implementing and supervising compliance with the set of criteria is very important. Supervision must be effective, with the right people and the right tasks. Only when these two aspects operate in a unified and harmonious manner can we truly achieve a healthy festival environment and promote cultural values, spreading the positive message of the festival to the socio-economic development of the locality as well as the whole country."
According to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of many provinces and cities, the set of criteria is the basis for localities to organize festival activities in a more systematic manner. Aiming to build a civilized and healthy festival cultural environment; preserve and promote traditional cultural values, good customs and practices of the nation and spread them in social life; gradually eliminate backward customs and practices.
To specify the provisions of Decision 2068, recently, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the provinces: Binh Dinh, Lang Son, Khanh Hoa, Bac Kan, Can Tho... requested the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism at district level to guide and urge the implementation of the Criteria Set in festival organization activities to ensure that it is suitable to the conditions and characteristics of the locality. At the same time, annually review and evaluate the implementation of the Criteria Set and report to the province.
Recognizing the importance of traditional festivals in the cultural life of Vietnamese people, we will act cautiously to create civilized and meaningful festival cultural spaces according to the goals of the National Cultural Strategy with a vision to 2030.
According to statistics from the Department of Grassroots Culture (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), currently, each year the country has nearly 8,000 festivals, of which traditional festivals account for 88.36%. Traditional festivals take place all year round, bearing the unique cultural identity of each ethnic group, region and locality.
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