- Nền tảng quảng bá Việt Nam

480km from Hoang Sa, straight to Quang Tri-Quang Ngai, when will it reach the mainland?

Việt NamViệt Nam09/11/2024

Latest news on storm number 7, according to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, storm number 7 - storm Yinxing is about 480km northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago. The strongest wind near the storm center is level 14 (150-166km/h), gusting to level 17.

Update on storm number 7: 480km from Hoang Sa archipelago, level 14, gust level 17

Latest news on storm No. 7, according to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 4:00 a.m. (November 9), the center of storm No. 7 was located at about 18.7 degrees North latitude; 115.5 degrees East longitude, in the eastern sea of ​​the North East Sea, about 480km northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago.

The strongest wind near the storm center is level 14 (150-166km/h), gusting to level 17. Moving in the West Northwest direction, speed about 15km/h.

At 4:00 a.m. on November 10, storm No. 7 will be in the North East Sea, about 340km northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago, reaching level 13, gusting to level 16.

At 4:00 a.m. on November 11, storm No. 7 was about 200 km northwest of Hoang Sa archipelago, reaching level 11, gusting to level 14; at 4:00 a.m. on November 12, storm No. 7 in the Quang Tri-Quang Ngai sea area weakened into a tropical depression.

Tin bão số 7 mới nhất: Cách Hoàng Sa 480km, hướng thẳng Quảng Trị-Quảng Ngãi, bao giờ vào đất liền? - Ảnh 1.

Direction of movement of storm number 7. Photo: nchmf.

Detailed forecast of storm No. 7 ( in the next 24 to 72 hours)

Forecast time Direction, speed Location Intensity Danger zone Disaster Risk Level (Affected Area)
04h/10/11 West Northwest,

about 15km/h

19.3N-112.3E; in the North East Sea area, about 340km North Northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago Level 13, jerk level 16 Latitude 16.5N-21.0N; East of longitude 110.0E Level 3: North East Sea area (including Hoang Sa archipelago waters)
04h/11/11 Southwest, about 10-15km/h, weakening 17.8N-110.8E; about 200km North Northwest of Hoang Sa archipelago Level 11, jerk level 14 Latitude 16.0N-21.0N; longitude 109.0E-115.0E Level 3: West of the North East Sea area (including the waters of Hoang Sa archipelago)
04h/12/11 Southwest about
10km/h and gradually weakens into a tropical depression
16.1N-109.3E; on the sea of ​​Quang Tri-Quang Ngai Level 6-7, level 9 jerk Latitude 14.5N-19.0N; West of longitude 114.0E Level 3: West of the North East Sea area (including Hoang Sa archipelago waters); Quang Tri-Quang Ngai waters

Warning of tropical depression developments ( from next 72 to 96 hours):

From the next 72 to 96 hours, the tropical depression will move in the southwest direction, about 10km per hour, and its intensity will continue to weaken.

Warning of the impact of storm number 7

In the North East Sea, strong winds level 8-11, near the storm center level 12-14, gusts level 17, waves 4.0-6.0m high, near the center 7.0-9.0m; rough seas.

Ships operating in the above mentioned dangerous areas are likely to be affected by storms, whirlwinds, strong winds and large waves.

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