Co-chairing the meeting with Deputy Minister Tran Quy Kien were Mr. Nguyen Truong Giang - Director of the Vietnam Minerals Department and Mr. Mai The Toan - Deputy Director of the Vietnam Minerals Department.
Attending the meeting were leaders of units under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, leaders of units under the Ministries who are members of the Editorial Team of the Law on Geology and Minerals project and representatives of relevant agencies.
Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Quy Kien said: During the process of completing the dossier to propose the development of the Law on Geology and Minerals as well as the organization of the Workshops, especially the workshops to collect opinions from localities, ministries, branches, associations, and enterprises in the three regions, the Drafting Committee and Editorial Team of the project on the Law on Geology and Minerals have received the support of the majority of delegates attending today's meeting.
The editorial team has received and completed the draft Law on Geology and Minerals based on the results of collecting comments on the draft Law at the three-region workshop as well as written comments from ministries, branches, localities and comments on the draft Law after the draft Law was posted on the Government's electronic information portal.
The Deputy Minister highly appreciated the idea of organizing work in three thematic groups on geology, minerals and economic instruments in today's meeting. This is an opportunity for the Drafting Committee and Editorial Team to receive more specific opinions and the most concise content from experts, which is an important basis for the Drafting Committee to report to the Party Committee of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Summarizing comments on the second draft, Mr. Mai The Toan - Deputy Director of the Vietnam Minerals Department said that the issues with many opinions in the draft Law include: Scope of regulation; classification of minerals and regulations on management measures for each group; organization of the National Mineral Reserves Council; interpretation of terms; State policies on geology and minerals; principles of geological and mineral activities; rights of localities and communities where geological and mineral resources are exploited; minerals used as common construction materials; prohibited acts.
In addition, there are a number of other major issues such as: Responsibility for protecting geological and mineral resources of organizations and individuals; responsibility for protecting unexploited geological and mineral resources of People's Committees at all levels; mineral activity areas, restricted mineral activity areas; basic geological and mineral surveys; areas prohibited from mineral activities, areas temporarily prohibited from mineral activities; implementation of investment projects and works in national mineral resource reserve areas; use of land, sea areas, technical infrastructure in mineral activities; organizations and individuals conducting mineral exploration; areas prohibited from mineral activities, areas temporarily prohibited from mineral activities.
Other issues in the draft also received many comments such as: Implementation of investment projects and works in national mineral resource reserve areas; use of land, sea areas, technical infrastructure in mineral activities; organizations and individuals conducting mineral exploration; principles and conditions for granting mineral exploration licenses; rights and obligations of organizations and individuals granted mineral exploration licenses; dossiers, procedures for granting, extending, adjusting, returning mineral exploration licenses, transferring mineral exploration rights; approval of mineral reserves.
In addition, dozens of other contents in the draft Law on Geology and Minerals also received comments from ministries, branches, localities, associations, businesses and individuals.
The meeting took place over two days from November 8-9 in three thematic groups, expected to receive many comments from members of the Editorial Board and representatives of relevant units. After that, each group will present the meeting results and continue to discuss to complete the draft Law on Geology and Minerals before organizing a meeting of the Drafting Committee. Natural Resources and Environment Newspaper will continue to update the contents of the meeting in the following articles.
Below are pictures from the meeting.
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