Remove unnecessary applications
Too many apps installed on your tablet is a common cause of slow performance. Consider removing unnecessary apps to speed up your tablet.
Remove unnecessary apps to help speed up your tablet more smoothly.
Turn off unused applications
Many people often do not completely close the application after use, leading to these applications continuing to run in the background and consuming processing power resources, thereby slowing down the tablet. To overcome this situation, after using an application, users should completely close that application so that the tablet can achieve optimal performance.
Clean up storage space
After a long time of use, the computer will have a large amount of junk files that make the computer run slowly. At that time, you should delete the application cache or use the built-in junk cleaning utility.
To clear the cache, follow these steps: Go to menu > Settings > Applications > Select the application whose cache you want to clear > Clear cache > Select OK.
Besides, storing data files such as images, audio, video and many other types of data in the tablet can significantly reduce the operating speed of the device, so consider and keep only the files that are really necessary to speed up the tablet.
Turn off app notifications
Constant notifications from applications can also make tablet devices run slower. Therefore, if you do not need to monitor notifications from applications, you should turn them off to make your tablet run smoother.
Turn off notifications of unnecessary applications for smoother tablet performance.
Turn off GPS, Bluetooth
Similarly, having GPS and Bluetooth turned on all the time can lead to rapid battery drain and battery failure, as well as slowing down your tablet. Therefore, GPS and Bluetooth should only be turned on when you need them.
Turn off live wallpapers
Live wallpapers consume a lot of resources and slow down your tablet's performance. Replace them with a static wallpaper to solve this problem.
Charge the tablet promptly and avoid overheating
Using the tablet while charging also leads to overheating and reduces the performance of the device.
Therefore, when using a tablet, you should turn on battery saving mode to extend usage time or charge the device promptly when the battery capacity is about 20%.
Using Smart Diagnosis
Some tablets will have a Smart Diagnosis feature built into the Device Support App, which can easily perform a comprehensive check of the tablet. If all of the above methods do not improve the performance of the tablet, use the Smart Diagnosis feature for the most accurate results.
Restart your tablet periodically
Restarting the tablet will help the applications, as well as the system's source files to be refreshed, thereby increasing processing performance. In addition, this can also quickly remove software conflicts on the tablet. Therefore, restart the device periodically to speed up the tablet more smoothly.
Hoa Vu (Synthesis)
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