When going for a military medical examination, what requirements must citizens comply with? - Reader Tuyet Van
1. Requirements for citizens when going for military service medical examination in 2024
Requirements for citizens when going for a military service medical examination include:
- Must present:
+ Order for medical examination or health check-up by the Commander of the District Military Command;
+ Identity card;
+ Documents related to personal health (if any) to be submitted to the Health Examination Council or Military Service Health Examination Team.
- Do not drink alcohol, beer or use stimulants.
- Comply with the regulations of the health examination and health check area.
- Prohibit acts of taking advantage of health examination to evade or avoid military service.
(Article 10 of Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP)
2. Contents of military service health examination in 2024
Military service medical examination includes:
- Physical examination; clinical examination of specialties according to the criteria specified in Section II, Form 2, Appendix 4 issued with Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP; during the examination, if the citizen being examined has one of the specialties ranked at 5 or 6, the specialist is responsible for reporting to the Chairman of the Health Examination Council for consideration and decision on whether to continue examining other specialties;
- In case of need for paraclinical testing to serve the health conclusion as required by the Military Service Health Examination Council, including drug detection testing;
- Health classification according to regulations in Article 9 of Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP.
(Clause 2, Article 6, Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP)
3. Military service medical examination process in 2024
The military service health examination process is stipulated in Clause 3, Article 6 of Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP as follows:
- Make a list of citizens eligible for military service who have passed the health screening in the assigned management area;
- Notice of time and location of health check-up;
- Organize health check-ups according to the contents in section 2;
- Organize HIV counseling and testing according to the provisions of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control for cases that meet the health standards for annual military service under the guidance of the Minister of National Defense;
- Complete the health form according to the regulations in Section II, Form 2, Appendix 4 issued with Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP;
- Summarize and report the results of military service health examination according to Form 3a Appendix 5 issued with Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP.
(Clause 3, Article 6, Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP)
4. Military service medical examination time in 2024
The military service medical examination period is from November 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
5. Military service medical examination board
(i) Composition of the Military Service Medical Examination Council
- The district military service health examination council includes: doctors, medical staff of the district health center, professional staff of the health department, military doctors of the district military command and related units.
- The military service medical examination board includes:
+ 01 Chairman: held by the Director of the District Health Center;
+ 01 Vice President: Deputy Director in charge of professional matters;
+ 01 Standing Member and Secretary of the Council, held by a professional officer of the Health Department;
+ Other members.
- The number of Council members depends on the specific conditions of each locality, but must ensure sufficient quantity and qualifications to perform health examinations as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 6 of Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP, and sufficient departments as prescribed in Clause 5, Article 6 of Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP, including at least 3-5 doctors. Internal medicine and surgery examinations must be performed by internal medicine and surgery doctors; other specialties can be arranged for doctors or nurses, technicians of that specialty.
(ii) Working principles of the Military Service Medical Examination Council
- The Council works on the principle of collective action, deciding issues by majority;
- In case the members of the Council do not agree on the classification and conclusion of health, the Chairman of the Council shall record on the health form the conclusion according to the majority opinion. In case of equal votes, the decision shall be made according to the vote of the Chairman of the Council. Disagreements must be fully recorded in the minutes, signed by each member of the Council, and sent to the District Military Service Council.
(iii) Duties of the Military Service Medical Examination Council
- Responsible to the District Military Service Council for implementing health examinations, classifying and concluding health for each citizen called for military service;
- Summarize the health examination results report and send it to the District Military Service Council and the Department of Health of the province or centrally-run city (hereinafter referred to as the province) according to regulations; hand over all health records to the District Military Service Council (through the District Health Department).
(iv) Duties of members of the Military Service Medical Examination Council
- Chairman of the Board:
+ Manage all activities of the Council; be responsible to the District Military Service Council for the quality of health examinations of citizens subject to military service;
+ Thoroughly grasp and disseminate the military service health examination plan; guide regulations on health standards, responsibilities, tasks, working principles and assign specific tasks to members of the Health Examination Council;
+ Convene and chair Council meetings to conclude cases where there are disagreements on health conclusions;
+ Organize consultations and sign referral letters for citizens undergoing military service health examinations to go to medical facilities when necessary;
+ Directly conclude health classification and sign the military service health form;
+ Organize a meeting to review experiences in military service health examination and report to the District Military Service Council.
- Vice Chairman of the Board:
+ Represent the Chairman of the Board when absent;
+ Direct health examination, participate in consultation when necessary;
+ Participate in the Military Service Medical Examination Council meeting.
- Standing Member and Secretary of the Council:
+ Prepare estimates, summarize and settle expenses, medicines, and consumables for military service medical examinations;
+ Prepare means, facilities, health records and other necessary documents for the Military Service Health Examination Council to work; participate in meetings of the Military Service Health Examination Council;
+ Participate in health check-ups and consultations when necessary;
+ Carry out registration, statistics and assist the Council Chairman in reporting to the District Military Service Council and the Department of Health according to Form 3a and Form 5c Appendix 5 issued with this Circular.
- Council members:
+ Direct health examination and consultation when necessary;
+ Responsible for the quality of health examination and conclusion within the assigned scope;
+ Attend the Military Service Medical Examination Council meeting when summoned.
(Clause 1, Article 6, Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP)
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