The conference aims to evaluate the results achieved in implementing the construction of a "regular, exemplary" ship model in ship units and building "regular, safe" warehouses and stations in units of Naval Region 2. Thereby, replicating creative and effective measures and methods among units; at the same time, pointing out existing problems, limitations, causes, and solutions to improve and standardize the criteria of "regular, exemplary" ships; "regular, safe" warehouses, stations, vehicles; "regular, exemplary" platforms in the entire Region in the coming time.

Rear Admiral Nguyen Anh Tuan, Commander of Naval Region 2, delivered a concluding speech at the conference.

Over the years, the work of building "regular, exemplary" ships; "regular, safe" warehouses and stations; and "regular, exemplary" platforms has always received close attention and leadership from Party committees and commanders at all levels, along with timely guidance and supervision from functional agencies and the consensus and determination of officers and soldiers, contributing to the gradual construction of regular, orderly, high-quality, and in-depth ships, warehouses, stations, and platforms.

From 2021 to present, ship and platform units in the entire Region have been active, proactive, tightening industry discipline, strictly maintaining routines and regimes in all aspects of work. Thereby, the quality of preservation, maintenance, and repair of ships and technical equipment has been improved; technical reserves and technical coefficients have been increased; damage during use has been limited, increasing the ability to operate synchronously for equipment, weapons, and ammunition; at the same time, making ships increasingly better, more durable, and cleaner.

Delegates attend the conference in person.

The system of warehouses, stations, and workshops is constantly being improved, enhancing the capacity to manage and preserve weapons, equipment, and technical materials, with many initiatives, technical improvements, and application of autonomous and domestic technologies; meeting the requirements of storage, upgrading, extending the shelf life, preventive maintenance, and well preparing weapons for missions, ensuring absolute safety.

Speaking at the conference, Rear Admiral Nguyen Anh Tuan acknowledged and praised the efforts, attempts and achievements of the officers and soldiers of the entire Region. The Commander of Naval Region 2 requested Party committees and commanders at all levels to continue to thoroughly grasp and take stronger and more drastic actions, clearly identifying the construction of "regular, exemplary" ships, "regular, safe" warehouses, vehicles and "regular, exemplary" platforms as one of the key political tasks, which must be carried out regularly and continuously, in accordance with the criteria of "fine, correct, beautiful", in order to improve the quality of ships, warehouses, stations, vehicles and platforms, always ready to complete assigned tasks, making an important contribution to building a regular and modern Naval Region 2 and the Navy.

News and photos: VAN DUONG - VAN HUNG

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