Recently, hand, foot and mouth disease has spread rapidly in the community, especially in the southern provinces. In the face of this reality, some places have run out of medicine for treatment.
This is an issue that has been reported by the press in recent times. At the press conference on the afternoon of October 20, reporters once again mentioned the above situation and asked about the Ministry of Health's solutions in the coming time.
Regarding this issue, according to Mr. Le Viet Dung, Deputy Director of the Department of Drug Administration, after the press reported, the Ministry of Health has also closely directed to ensure there is enough medicine to treat patients.
According to Mr. Dung, the Ministry of Health has issued many official dispatches directing and requesting units to proactively plan purchases and place orders with drug suppliers to ensure enough medicine for patients.
Mr. Dung also said that the current treatment drugs have been granted, circulated and are still effective in Vietnam. Importers can import drugs when there is an order from treatment facilities.
“The Drug Administration has also granted permission to import 15,000 packets of Immunoglobulin to meet the needs of medical examination and treatment. Currently, import establishments have imported more than 8,000 vials of medicine to Vietnam and have supplied them to medical examination and treatment facilities,” said Mr. Dung.
It is expected that in November, 2 thousand more vials of medicine will be imported and we are currently waiting for orders from medical facilities to import the remaining quantity that has been licensed but has not received orders from units.
Meanwhile, Mr. Dung said that regarding the active ingredient phenobarbital, a domestic facility has now produced it. Regarding imports, the Drug Administration has also approved 21,000 vials of phenobarbital to meet treatment needs.
Currently, phenobarbital has been imported to Vietnam and supplied to facilities in need.
"Currently, the Ministry of Health has also completed import procedures for the drugs that treatment facilities have requested to import to serve the treatment of diseases," said Mr. Dung.
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