The Military Technical Academy, the Information Officer School, and the Engineering Officer School will enroll more than 1,100 students in 2024, an increase of more than 120 compared to last year.
In 2024, the Engineering Officer School will recruit 251 students for the Engineering Technical Command major with two combinations A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) and A01 (Math, Physics, English). Of which, the school will recruit 151 male candidates residing in the North and 100 male candidates in the South. Compared to last year, the total target has increased by 24.
The school uses 4 admission methods including direct admission, priority admission and consideration of excellent high school students (no more than 15% of total enrollment), based on high school graduation exam scores (55%), academic records (10%), based on the results of the competency assessment exam of two National Universities (20%).
With the method of considering excellent students, the school requires candidates to have excellent academic performance and good conduct in 5 semesters (except semester II of grade 12) and meet one of the following conditions: winning first, second, or third prize in Mathematics in the provincial excellent student exam or higher; having IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL iBT 55 points; SAT 1,068/1600 points or ACT 18/36 points or higher.
If applying for high school transcript review, candidates need to have a total score of 7 or higher each year, and a score of 7.5 or higher for subjects in the group each year.
In the first use of the competency assessment test results, the school considered candidates who achieved 75/150 points in the exam organized by Hanoi National University and 600/1,200 points in the exam organized by Ho Chi Minh City National University.
Candidates taking the 2023 high school graduation exam in Thanh Hoa. Photo: Le Hoang
The School of Information Officers (University of Information and Communications) announced the recruitment of 341 students, an increase of 18 compared to last year. Of which, the North recruited 205 and the South recruited 136.
Of the admitted students, 5 were sent abroad for training, 30 others were sent to non-military schools for training, and the rest studied at the school in the following majors: Information Command and Staff (specializing in Army, Navy, Air Defense - Air Force information), and Cyberspace Warfare Command and Staff.
The Military Technical Academy recruited 540 students, an increase of 82 compared to last year, including 24 female students.
The school said 130 students will be sent for training abroad and 5 will follow a joint training program. For the group of students trained domestically, the academy will select 30 people to train high-quality military engineers, specializing in Information Systems Security and Information.
The combination and selection method of the Information Officer School and the Military Technical Academy are similar to the Engineering Officer School. Candidates are eligible to participate in the selection process using all methods.
In addition to the three schools above, the Military Medical Academy has also announced its admission plan with four similar methods. The two groups this school uses include A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) and B00 (Math, Chemistry, Biology).
The school enrolls students in three majors: Medicine, Preventive Medicine, and Pharmacy. The total enrollment target has not been announced, but the academy has said it will enroll about 10% women. For Medicine and Pharmacy, the Military Medical Academy plans to enroll civilians in 2024.
To register for military training in military schools, students must go through a preliminary round at the Military Command of the district where they register their permanent residence. The expected registration date is March 15.
Currently, the military group consists of 17 schools. Last year, these schools recruited nearly 4,400 students. The admission score based on the high school graduation exam results of the schools ranges from 16.25 to 27.97. The Academy of Military Science has the highest admission score. Female candidates applying for the Chinese Language major must achieve 27.97 points based on the high school graduation exam results to be admitted. The Engineering Officer School has the lowest admission score.
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