Phu Yen currently has 16 Associations assigned by the Party and the State. Some Associations have overlaps and similarities in their principles and purposes; at the same time, the volume of work products performed is not commensurate with the functions and roles of an organization.
Therefore, the province found it necessary to merge a number of organizations to streamline management, avoid duplication of functions and tasks, and promote strength to perfect the leadership, management and operational capacity of the Association.
Pursuant to the Conclusion of the Steering Committee of Phu Yen province summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Party Central Committee on "Some issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently", the People's Committee of Phu Yen province has developed a plan to reorganize the Association organizations assigned by the Party and the State.
The province is mobilizing to merge the Association of Oriental Medicine and the Provincial Medical Association (the proposed name after the merger is the Provincial Medical Association); mobilizing to merge the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations with the Provincial Union of Friendship Organizations (the proposed name after the merger is the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations and Friendship Organizations).
Phu Yen mobilized to merge the Association of Former Youth Volunteers, the Association of Patriotic Political Prisoners and the Representative Board of the Provincial Association of the Elderly (the proposed name after the merger is the Association of Patriotic Political Prisoners, Former Youth Volunteers and the Provincial Elderly); mobilized to merge the Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, the Association of the Blind, the Association for the Support of the Disabled and Orphans into the Provincial Red Cross (the proposed name after the merger is the Provincial Red Cross).
The province proposed to end the activities of the Provincial Lawyers Association. The Provincial Cooperative Union and the Provincial Literature and Arts Association reviewed and rearranged the organizational structure within the Association to reduce the number of employees. The Provincial Journalists Association and the Provincial Education Promotion Association remained intact.
After merging and rearranging according to the above plan, the number of Association organizations assigned by the Party and State in Phu Yen province will be 8 organizations (8 organizations less than present). The number of employees assigned will be 58 (5 people less than present); ensuring that 8/8 organizations have the number of employees to meet the Association's work requirements.
To carry out the work of streamlining and streamlining the apparatus, the People's Committee of Phu Yen province announced Decision 1681/QD-UBND, dated December 9, 2024, transferring the original status of the organizational structure, functions, tasks, powers, personnel, finance, assets, land, facilities, equipment, etc. of 9 Medical Centers under the Department of Health to the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities for management.
Time to complete the decision of Phu Yen Provincial People's Committee before January 1, 2025.
VN (according to VNA)Source:
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