Recently, doctors from the Department of Urology and Andrology Surgery - E Hospital have just received and successfully operated on a female patient with 2 bladders (a "real" bladder and a "false" bladder, also known as bladder diverticulum). When suffering from bladder diverticulum, the patient will feel pain, frequent urinary tract infections and urinary disorders due to urine not flowing out but remaining... Although it is a rare disease, it makes the patient very uncomfortable, even with a high risk of leading to dangerous complications, including cancer.
A female patient (74 years old, Hanoi) was admitted to the Tropical Diseases Department with symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract infection: high fever, cough with phlegm, sore throat... Doctors ordered tests, ultrasound, and CT scans and determined that in addition to bronchopneumonia, the patient also had a urinary tract disease: the patient had 2 bladders. Immediately, doctors from the Tropical Diseases Department consulted with doctors from the Department of Nephrology and Urology to come up with the next treatment plan for the patient.
The patient has 2 bladders. Photo: BVCC
Taking the medical history, the patient had had abnormal symptoms in the urinary system for several years, such as painful urination, frequent urination at night (3-4 times), and frequent urination during the day. The patient thought he only had nocturia, which is common in the elderly, so he did not go to the doctor... After receiving the results of the abdominal CT scan, the patient was shocked to discover that he had 2 bladders (a "real" bladder and a "false" bladder, also known as a bladder diverticulum).
Urologists call this case of having two bladders a “true” bladder and a false bladder - which is actually a bladder diverticulum. Master, Doctor Nguyen The Thinh - Department of Urology and Andrology, E Hospital explains that bladder diverticulum is a condition in which an abnormal bulge forms on the bladder wall. This sac is formed due to the herniation of the bladder mucosa through the bladder muscle layer. Bladder diverticulum can be located anywhere on the bladder, but is most common on the back.
Urologists call this case of having two bladders a “true” bladder and a false bladder - which is actually a bladder diverticulum. Anh: BVCC
Bladder diverticula are formed congenitally or acquiredly. Congenital causes are often due to defects in the formation of the bladder in the fetus. Acquired causes are common in adults, due to urinary tract obstruction (bladder stones, prostate enlargement, bladder neck sclerosis, urethral stricture, etc.), neurogenic bladder disease or bladder trauma. In the early stages, bladder diverticula often have no specific symptoms, however, as its volume increases, symptoms of the disease begin to appear, usually due to local complications caused by the diverticula.
Sharing about the danger level of bladder diverticulum, Master, Doctor Nguyen The Thinh said that the manifestations of bladder diverticulum are very diverse, the severity of the disease is often not related to the size of the diverticulum. Bladder diverticulum is like a bomb that can burst at any time and cause many dangerous complications. Therefore, in this case, doctors chose the method of laparoscopic surgery to remove the bladder diverticulum and return a healthy bladder to the patient.
Most patients with bladder diverticulum are discovered by chance or through examination of non-specific symptoms of the urinary tract such as urinary retention, hematuria, or urinary tract infection. To prevent complications caused by bladder diverticulum, it is necessary to pay attention to regular health check-ups. In addition, to assess kidney function, in addition to ultrasound, blood and urine tests can be performed to have timely treatment.
Early diagnosis and timely treatment of bladder diverticulum is very important to reduce the effects caused by the disease. Photo: BVCC
In particular, doctors note that the dangerous complication in the urinary system is that because there is no muscle layer, the function of expelling urine stagnant in the bladder diverticulum is poor, so each time you go to the toilet, the urine in the diverticulum is not completely expelled, so a certain amount of urine remains. This process lasts for a long time, causing the diverticulum to become increasingly tense, compressing the bladder neck and urethra, leading to complications such as recurrent urinary tract infections, diverticulum stones, acute and chronic urinary retention, the most dangerous is bladder cancer or premalignant changes.
Hydronephrosis and hydronephrosis are common complications, causing impaired urinary tract function due to obstruction or reflux. Approximately 3-5% of cases have a risk of developing adenocarcinoma of the bladder diverticulum.
Early diagnosis and timely treatment of bladder diverticulum is very important to reduce the effects caused by the disease and prevent the risk of dangerous complications of the disease. When symptoms appear, patients need to go to reputable medical facilities such as E Hospital for timely examination and treatment, avoiding complications that endanger the patient's life.
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