Comrades: Tang Thi Duong, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; Tran Thi Hoan, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee chaired the conference.
Conference delegates.
Currently, compensation for damage to houses, residential houses, and construction works attached to land in the province is being applied according to Decision No. 15/2023 of the Provincial People's Committee promulgating the unit price for compensation for damage to property (houses, other construction works, crops, livestock) attached to land when the State recovers land for national defense and security purposes; socio-economic development for national and public interests in Tuyen Quang province. This Decision was issued based on the 2013 Land Law and its implementing documents, so it will expire when the 2024 Land Law comes into effect from August 1, 2024.
The drafting of the Decision will ensure the consistency of the legal system and specify the articles and provisions of the 2024 Land Law.
Delegates from Trung Son commune (Yen Son) participated in the debate at the conference.
The Draft Decision of the Provincial People's Committee promulgating the Regulation, consisting of 11 articles, stipulates the contents of the scope of regulation, applicable subjects; actual compensation unit price for damage to houses, houses, and construction works attached to land when the State recovers land; method for determining compensation costs for damage to houses, houses, and construction works attached to land when the State recovers land; compensation level for self-renovation and repair costs of houses for people using State-owned houses within the scope of land recovery that must be demolished; responsibilities of all levels and sectors...
At the conference, there were 12 comments and counter-arguments focusing on the necessity of issuing documents; policies on compensation and support; regulations on unit prices for compensation for damage to property, architecture and moving graves. Delegates also requested the agency drafting the document to amend some contents to suit reality, promote consistency in implementation when implementing compensation and support when reclaiming land in the province.
Concluding the conference, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee Tang Thi Duong acknowledged and highly appreciated the attention and participation in providing critical comments of the delegates. She suggested that the drafting agency seriously absorb the critical comments of the delegates to study, supplement and perfect the document in accordance with legal regulations, creating consensus among the people.
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