Their goal is to spread false perceptions, skepticism, insecurity, and frustration in society and the community; secretly incite disobedient thoughts, oppose the law, social norms, and the community; incite riots, violence, etc. Many people call these "dirty comments".
Danger of "dirty comments"
In fact, there are many forms of “dirty comments”. The most obvious form is obscene comments. These types of “dirty comments” are often vulgar, uncultured, vulgar, and swearing words, but often the words do not have much specific meaning but only aim to sabotage. This type can be easily found in forums without a direct administrator (admin) or websites with low language filtering. However, the number of comments of this type is often very large, so it is easy to get out of control.
The second type of “dirty comments” is more sophisticated, easier to detect because at first glance it seems harmless. Those who often post “dirty comments” of this type spend time monitoring what other people in the forum are talking about to find fault, question... these comments are often more harsh than usual. The person making the comment is always ready to fiercely respond to the “topic owner” (the term netizens use to refer to the person who created the topic) to prove their comment, thus creating a wave of spread on the internet.
The third type of “dirty comments” are comments raised by the “poster” himself to create a topic for discussion for netizens to participate in or borrow a topic and make his own comments, critiques, and assessments, thereby attracting and inciting others to comment together to achieve his intention. This type of “dirty comments” is often created with a clear purpose, possibly for political, economic, social purposes... In the scope of this article, we only mention the type of “dirty comments” of hostile, reactionary, and opportunistic political forces that take advantage of social networks and social media to distort, defame, discredit, and insult the honor of revolutionary veterans, leaders of the Party, State, and Army...
Those who carry out this trick are well-trained with the support of information technology, so they do it more and more frequently and more sophisticatedly. Their targets are revolutionary veterans, leaders of the Party, State, Army and those with great positions, roles and influence on the economic, political and social life of the country or cadres and party members who regularly and directly contact the people. Common forms are: Distorting and fabricating personal history and career; insulting private life, family life, assigning social relationships... To increase effectiveness, they often release this information at politically sensitive times, such as: important political events of the country; before, during and after the anniversaries of major holidays; Party congresses, elections of National Assembly deputies and People's Councils at all levels...
In addition, they also borrowed a phenomenon, an individual cadre or party member who has degenerated and become corrupt and is severely punished by law, to swap concepts, stereotype and equate them with the nature of the social regime, the nature of the Party and the State. Just one action or statement of a cadre or party member is analyzed, dissected and distorted from many angles to weave into noisy gossip stories. They even deliberately set up "traps" to incite and make cadres and party members who lack courage and experience and lose control in specific situations to organize filming, take pictures and then cut, edit and weave into stories that cause outrage in "public opinion". Moreover, they are also very good at ways to exaggerate events, to attract followers, and create hot spots in "public opinion". From a small inappropriate action of a cadre or party member, they can "paint" a panoramic picture of ethics, lifestyle, diplomatic art, public service culture... of an entire agency, unit, Party, society and then compare it with other countries, regardless of the inconsistency. More dangerously, to direct public opinion according to their plot, they block or eliminate opposing comments and opposing opinions of people with political opinions to create a one-sided form of information that is beneficial for the purpose of sabotage.
It is not difficult to recognize that these are tricks of "peaceful evolution" activities in the political and ideological fields, promoting "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within hostile, reactionary and opportunistic political forces. Because, no matter how sophisticated or cunning the tricks are, they are essentially just "old wine in new bottles". The problem here is that many people, out of curiosity, simple and one-sided perception, and even a number of cadres, party members, intellectuals and artists, have unintentionally or intentionally participated in "giving comments" very enthusiastically, creating a "wave" that spreads quickly with thousands, even millions of "comments", thereby helping hostile and reactionary forces achieve their sabotage intentions. So how to prevent this is an urgent question for relevant agencies, departments, branches and even those participating in social networks.
How to prevent "dirty comments"?
Firstly, for relevant agencies of the Party, the State and entities managing the law on cyber security: It is necessary to focus on leadership and direction to strengthen measures to educate and propagate to raise citizens' awareness of the law, especially the Law on Cyber Security; directives and regulations on the provision, development and use of social networking platforms; awareness, responsibility and principles when participating in social networking platforms of the people. Perfect regulations on information management on social networks; focus on researching and developing laws on information management on networks, the Law on Cyber Security to create a complete and appropriate legal corridor; actively build a scientific and progressive legal framework for social media to operate, develop healthily, in the right direction and manage social networks well.
Service providers and social network users must strictly implement the Code of Conduct on social networks, aiming to build a healthy and safe social network environment in Vietnam. Individuals and organizations must be legally responsible for the information posted on social networks to minimize "indiscriminate" statements, invasion of privacy, lowering of reputation, and defamation of honor of individuals and organizations on social networks. Develop and perfect documents implementing the Press Law, focusing on enhancing the role of information orientation of key press agencies, actively and proactively criticizing and refuting bad and toxic information on social networks to contribute to overcoming the negative aspects of social media.
Second, for social network providers: Network service providers and operators, especially cross-border service providers, must be responsible for complying with Vietnamese law, respecting Vietnam's sovereignty, national interests, and national security. Partners are required to clearly demonstrate cooperation and compliance with regulations when operating in Vietnam, such as: establishing representative offices, establishing user legitimacy in account registration, actively coordinating to promptly remove fake pages, topics that intentionally distort, defame, and insult individuals and organizations, and completely deleting accounts that provide false information... At the same time, it is necessary to pay more attention to economic measures, and the responsibilities of businesses must be commensurate with the benefits they enjoy.
Third, for the agencies managing and supervising the media: It is necessary to continue to synchronously complete the system of legal documents with specific, clear, realistic, and appropriate provisions, keeping up with the pace of changes in social media, instead of just stopping at recommended regulatory rules. Further strengthen the work of inspection, examination, and handling of violations, especially the coordination between relevant authorities and the entire political system to strictly handle violations and harmful acts such as: Storing, providing, posting, and disseminating fake, untrue, distorted, slanderous, defamatory, inciting, and opposing the Party and the State on the internet and social networks...
Strengthening technical measures to prevent, remove and eliminate harmful information that violates national security and sabotages Vietnam. This is a very necessary and effective measure in the current context. Specialized units in charge of cyber security need to promptly support organizations and individuals when detecting signs of security "gaps" and when attacked by cyber criminals to overcome and create a healthy and clean network environment so that users can feel secure when using social networks to serve the legitimate needs of individuals and organizations.
Fourth, for social network participants: When participating in the online environment, "netizens" should spread good information and images about social activities, community activities, criticize bad habits, deviant expressions, aim for humane messages, build a culture of elegant and civilized behavior on social networks. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve the purity of the Vietnamese language, not use mixed, vulgar, or violent language; only post and broadcast information with clear origins and that has been verified. In particular, do not form groups or associations to slander, defame, or insult others or attack each other; do not "follow the crowd" when you do not fully understand the incident or have no basis. In the process of posting information, netizens should not post fabricated information or information that violates the law; do not use applications of unknown origin to avoid being bothered by spam or having their account information stolen. “Netizens” need to understand and comply with the provisions of the Law on Cyber Security. On that basis, each person needs to turn their social network account into a healthy information channel and conduct social media in a spirit of community responsibility, promptly detect, contribute comments, criticize, and refute... reactionary and toxic information on social networks.
When participating in social networks, "residents" need to equip themselves with skills to protect personal information, how to filter and receive information. It is very important for users to improve their "resistance", equip themselves with legal knowledge, good cultural filters, civilized behavior in debate and criticism, have the ability to understand news, and evaluate the reliability of information on social networks. Only then can the exploitation and use of social networks be effective, practical and healthy, and users can protect the values of themselves, the community and the nation.
Lieutenant Colonel, PhD LE DUC THANG (Institute of Military Social Sciences and Humanities)
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