Have you ever noticed that you tend to fall asleep faster when you sleep with your partner? Well, this is completely based on science, according to the Indian Express .
Sleeping with your partner will help you sleep better
To understand why people sleep better when sharing a bed with their partner, Dr. Kedar Tilwe explains that sleep is an active physiological process that helps to reorganize certain activities of the body and has a rejuvenating effect. People naturally sleep better in a safe and soothing environment. And sleeping with a spouse satisfies these conditions.
This is because people feel comfortable and secure around their partner, which also helps release the “love hormone” oxytocin, according to the Indian Express .
When you are with the person you love, the happy hormones oxytocin and serotonin are released, activating a state of relaxation.
According to Dr. Kedar Tilwe, it is the feeling of security and trust you have with your partner that creates this magic. Feeling cared for and safe with someone else also helps you relax and reduce your alertness; this helps the body's serotonergic, dopaminergic, and adrenergic receptor systems to be better regulated, helping you sleep better.
Agreeing with the above opinion, expert Rubio Fuerte, a nutrition scientist from the University of Vienna (Austria), shared on Instagram: Research supports the idea that being with your partner for a long time can have a calming effect on your mind and body. When you are with your loved one, the happy hormones oxytocin and serotonin are released, activating a state of relaxation and contentment.
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