Accordingly, the Nghe An Provincial Tax Department requested the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to take measures to revoke the mineral exploitation license No. 205/GP-BTNMT dated February 20, 2009 of Tin Hoang Minerals Company Limited, tax code 2900753835, address No. 38, Nguyen Nang Tinh Street, Ha Huy Tap Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An Province.
Reason for requesting recovery: Tin Hoang Mineral Company Limited owes tax and other fees, and is slow in fulfilling its tax obligations. The tax authority has applied coercive measures according to the provisions of law but still cannot collect enough tax arrears to the state budget.
“Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request for revocation from the Nghe An Provincial Tax Department, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is requested to revoke the mineral exploitation license in accordance with the prescribed procedures or notify the Nghe An Provincial Tax Department of the reason for not revoking it” – The document clearly stated.
It is known that the amount of tax debt that Tin Hoang Mineral Company Limited owes is up to more than 11 billion VND.
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