Increase the number of pensioners
On the afternoon of November 2, continuing the 6th session, Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung, authorized by the Prime Minister, presented a report on the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended).
Minister Dao Ngoc Dung said that the draft law adds 5 groups to participate in compulsory social insurance, including: Business owners (with business registration); part-time workers in villages and residential groups, similar to part-time workers at the commune level;
Enterprise managers, controllers, representatives of state capital, representatives of enterprise capital at the company and parent company, managers and operators of cooperatives who do not receive salaries; part-time employees (employees working under flexible working regimes);
Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung.
In case of not concluding a labor contract or an agreement with another name but with content showing paid work, salary and management, operation and supervision of one party in accordance with the 2019 Labor Code. It is expected that the total number of people who are expanded to have the opportunity to participate is about 3 million people.
Minister Dao Ngoc Dung also informed about reducing the minimum social insurance payment period to receive pension from 20 years to 15 years to increase the number of people receiving pension.
The Minister said that the draft law has been amended to stipulate that employees who reach retirement age and have paid social insurance for 15 years or more will receive a monthly pension.
This regulation aims to create opportunities for some groups of people who start participating in social insurance late (starting participating at 45-47 years old) or participate intermittently or do specific jobs with short working time, leading to not having accumulated enough 20 years of social insurance contributions when reaching retirement age, to have the opportunity to receive monthly pension and be guaranteed health insurance.
Create conditions and attract elderly workers
Examining this draft Law, Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh agreed with expanding the scope of compulsory social insurance participation for a number of groups of subjects mentioned in the Government's submission.
Regarding pension conditions, the Social Committee believes that the regulation on adjusting the minimum number of years of social insurance contributions from 20 years to 15 years as drafted is consistent with the orientation of Resolution No. 28 and creates conditions to attract the group of elderly workers (from 45 to 55 years old).
This proposal also helps some groups of people who have received one-time social insurance benefits to participate or re-participate in social insurance to receive pensions.
At the same time, encourage workers to reserve time and wait to receive pension when reaching the prescribed age, creating opportunities to keep workers in the social insurance system.
Reducing the minimum period of social insurance payment to receive retirement benefits will contribute to promoting the multi-layered and flexible connectivity of the system.
Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh.
According to Ms. Thuy Anh, the pension level corresponding to the minimum social insurance payment period will be more modest than those with a long and full payment period.
However, with a stable monthly pension, periodically adjusted by the State according to the consumer price index, and health insurance paid by the social insurance fund, and a death benefit when they die, it will contribute to better ensuring the life of workers in their old age.
However, to have a solid basis for the National Assembly to consider and decide, Ms. Thuy Anh suggested that the drafting agency thoroughly and convincingly explain this change in terms of both the contribution-benefit and sharing principles of social insurance, the economic aspect of the issue, or the change in perspective on the minimum social security floor when amending the law this time.
Next, the Government needs to clearly express its views on the pensions of some groups of workers (non-professional workers at the commune and village levels, especially female workers) who will receive pensions lower than the poverty line (the minimum living standard threshold for an individual). In that case, will the State adjust to make the pensions higher? What is the forecast for the budget source to pay?
In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether it is possible to create conditions for employees to "withdraw insurance at one time" many times? and to study and adjust the number of years of social insurance contributions for cases of reduced working capacity to 15 years .
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