Responding to questions from National Assembly deputies regarding planning management and overcoming the problem of suspended planning at the question-and-answer session on the morning of November 7, Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi said that after Resolution 82 was issued, the Ministry of Construction has focused on immediately implementing the tasks assigned in the Resolution.
Accordingly, regarding the completion of legal institutions, the Ministry has reviewed and adjusted the system of legal documents, the system of standards and specialized technical regulations on construction planning, such as reviewing the Law on Construction and the Law on Urban Planning.
Thereby, the revised Construction Law No. 62/2020/QH14 was consulted, amended and issued to supplement the conditions for granting construction permits with a term for projects with slow planning implementation, creating more favorable conditions for people living in these areas to renovate and build houses.
The Ministry of Construction has organized many inspections and examinations of planning and planning implementation in localities, especially in large cities. It has issued many documents to request localities to inspect, examine and review planning periodically according to regulations or review plans that are out of date and not feasible in order to promptly adjust the planning to ensure compliance with socio-economic development conditions according to the provisions of the Law on Urban Planning.
At the same time, localities are required to prepare, approve, and publicize planning and implementation plans in accordance with regulations; prepare medium-term and annual investment plans for urban development and urban infrastructure to implement the planning.
The Minister said that, implementing Resolution No. 75/2022/ dated November 15, 2022 of the National Assembly on questioning activities at the 4th Session of the 15th National Assembly regarding the construction sector, the Ministry of Construction has issued a plan to implement the Resolution, including implementing tasks on construction and urban planning, measures to overcome the situation of suspended planning and suspended projects.
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