Ho Chi Minh City Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HDBank) has just announced the second public offering of bonds . Accordingly, HDBank plans to issue to the public bond code HDBC7Y202302 with a face value of VND 100,000/ bond , with a total issuance value of VND 1,000 billion.
The bond lot has a term of 7 years, registration period: From July 17, 2024 to August 7, 2024.
Floating rate bonds , applied for the entire term of the bond . Interest is calculated using the reference rate plus a margin of 2.8%/year.
The minimum purchase quantity for individual investors is a minimum of 500 bonds , equivalent to VND 50 million at par value.
For institutional investors , the minimum is 1,000 bonds , equivalent to 100 million VND at par value. To avoid confusion, investors can only register to buy an even number of bonds .
HDBank's bond lots will be issued in 2024.
In 2023, HDBank plans to offer 3 rounds of bonds to the public with a total of 50 million bonds . In the first round, the bank offered 30 million bonds to the public, and in the second and third rounds, each round offered 10 million bonds .
HDBank's third bond offering is expected to take place in the second and fourth quarters of 2024. The purpose of raising bonds is to supplement Tier 2 capital, improve capital adequacy ratio, and serve HDBank's customer lending needs.
Since the beginning of the year, HDBank has mobilized a total of 5 bond lots with a total face value of VND 4,500 billion. Of which, the bond lot with the largest face value of VND 2,000 billion, code HDBL2431001, was issued on May 9, 2024, with a term of 3 years, expected to mature on May 9, 2027. The issuance interest rate is 4.8%/year.
Source: https://www.nguoiduatin.vn/hdbank-sap-huy-dong-1000-ty-dong-trai-phieu-dot-2-204240711092037447.htm
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