In Dak Nong, there are currently a number of investors who have completed investment opportunity research reports and proposed investment policies for bauxite - alumina - aluminum project complexes according to the planning.
They are Viet Phuong Investment Group Joint Stock Company, TH Group Joint Stock Company, Dong Bac Corporation, Duc Giang Chemical Group Joint Stock Company...
Investment projects have been guided by relevant ministries but there are still many problems. Therefore, Dak Nong province does not have enough legal basis to guide investors in carrying out procedures to implement projects.
At a recent working session with Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Truong Thanh Hoai, Dak Nong proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade consider and coordinate with relevant sectors to support the province in promptly identifying and determining the legality of bauxite projects.

From there, legally resolve difficulties and problems in implementing bauxite - alumina - aluminum project complexes in the area.
In particular, Dak Nong wants to clearly determine whether the location of the alumina processing plant is right or wrong, suitable or not suitable for the mineral area and mineral planning.
The province wishes to clarify the legality in determining the process of selecting investors to implement bauxite - alumina - aluminum project complexes according to the mineral planning. Specifically, should the investment policy for the processing plant be granted first or should the mineral exploitation rights be auctioned first?
Although the plan for exploration, exploitation, processing and use of bauxite ore has been implemented since 2007, to date, the progress achieved has only stopped at alumina products, not aluminum and post-aluminum products.
For example, building a specific mechanism to develop the bauxite - alumina - aluminum industry; Project to develop supporting industries serving the bauxite - alumina - aluminum industry; Project to develop a circular economy, green economy associated with complexes exploiting bauxite ore, producing alumina, and electrolyzing aluminum.

In addition, the locality proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade support and guide the Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Group to implement investment procedures to soon increase the capacity of Nhan Co Alumina Plant from 0.65 - 2 million tons of alumina/year.
Early investor selection
Based on Dak Nong’s recommendations, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Truong Thanh Hoai suggested that the locality should direct departments and branches to promptly carry out procedures for selecting investors. From there, the province will promote the implementation of bauxite mining and processing projects in the mineral planning.
Mr. Hoai said that according to the provisions of the law on investment, the approval of investment policies and selection of investors are within the province's authority. In case of exceeding the authority, the province is requested to promptly report to a higher level for consideration and resolution.
Currently, Decree No. 115/2024/ND-CP, dated September 16, 2024 of the Government has detailed a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Bidding on selecting investors to implement investment projects using land. Dak Nong is a province in an area with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions.

Therefore, the province can select investors to implement projects in the area according to the Investment Law and other relevant laws; including bauxite mining and processing projects.
At the same time, investing in a bauxite processing plant using advanced technology, modern equipment, sustainable environmental protection, and the orientation of using raw materials from the mine is a decisive condition for being granted a mineral exploitation license.

“The granting of mining licenses is carried out after investors have been granted investment policies for bauxite mining and processing projects in accordance with regulations on investment, bidding, and environmental protection,” Mr. Hoai stated.
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