What is the legal age to register for military service? - Reader Tuan Kiet
What is military service registration?
Based on the provisions of the Law on Military Service 2015, it can be understood that military service registration is the establishment of a record of military service of citizens of military service age.
Registration for military service must ensure compliance with the following principles:
- Correct subjects, procedures, policies and regimes according to the provisions of law.
- Unified, public, transparent, convenient for citizens.
- Closely manage and grasp the quantity, quality and personal background of citizens of military service age.
- Any change in residence of citizens of military service age must be registered and managed in accordance with the provisions of law.
What is the age to register for military service?
According to the provisions of Article 12 of the Law on Military Service 2015, the age of military service registration for men and women is as follows:
- Male citizens 17 years of age or older.
- Female citizens with professional occupations that meet the requirements of the People's Army, 18 years of age or older.
Who is not eligible for military service?
Citizens in one of the following cases are not allowed to register for military service:
- Being prosecuted for criminal liability; serving a prison sentence, non-custodial reform, probation or having completed a prison sentence but not yet had the criminal record cleared;
- Being subject to educational measures at the commune, ward or town level (hereinafter referred to as commune level) or being sent to a reformatory school, compulsory education facility or compulsory drug rehabilitation facility;
- Deprived of the right to serve in the people's armed forces.
When the above measures expire, citizens are registered for military service.
Basis: Article 13 of the Law on Military Service 2015
Who is exempt from military service?
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law on Military Service 2015, people with disabilities, people with serious illnesses, mental illnesses or chronic illnesses as prescribed by law.
Military service registration agency
- The Commune Military Command carries out military service registration for citizens residing in the locality.
- The Military Command of the agency or organization at the grassroots level shall carry out military service registration for citizens working or studying at the agency or organization and compile reports to the Military Command of the district, town, city under the province and equivalent administrative unit (hereinafter referred to as district level) where the agency or organization is headquartered; in case the agency or organization does not have a Military Command at the grassroots level, the head or legal representative of the agency or organization shall be responsible for organizing for citizens to carry out military service registration at their place of residence.
Basis: Article 15 of the Law on Military Service 2015
Documents and procedures for first-time military service registration
The Commander of the Military Command of a district, town, city under a province and equivalent administrative unit (hereinafter referred to as the Commander of the District Military Command) signs the Military Service Registration Order, the Military Service Registration Certificate and assigns it to the Military Command of the commune, ward, town, agency, or organization (hereinafter referred to as the Commune Military Command) for implementation.
(1) First registration for military service
- Self-declaration of health for military service;
- Photocopy of ID card or birth certificate (bring the original for comparison).
(2) Procedures for first-time military service registration
- 10 days before the date of military service registration, the Commune Military Command is responsible for sending the Military Service Registration Order to citizens. In case the agency or organization does not have a Military Command, the head or legal representative of the agency or organization is responsible for sending the Military Service Registration Order to citizens;
- After receiving the Military Service Registration Order from the Commander of the District Military Command, citizens subject to the provisions of Article 12 of the Law on Military Service 2015 are responsible for going to the Commune Military Command to directly register for military service. In case the agency or organization does not have a Military Command, the head or legal representative of the agency or organization is responsible for delivering the Military Service Registration Order to the citizen or organization for the citizen to register for military service for the first time at the place of residence;
- Within 01 day, the Commune Military Command is responsible for comparing the original ID card or birth certificate; instructing citizens to fill out the Military Service Health Self-Declaration Form, registering necessary information of citizens in the List of male citizens who are 17 years old in the year, the Citizens' Registration Book ready for military service and transferring the Military Service Registration Certificate to citizens immediately after registration;
- Within 10 days, the Commune Military Command synthesizes the results and reports to the District Military Command; the District Military Command manages the records of citizens who have registered for military service for the first time. Synthesize the results and reports to the Military Command of the province, centrally-run city, Hanoi Capital Command, Ho Chi Minh City Command (collectively referred to as the Provincial Military Command).
Pursuant to: Article 4 of Decree 13/2016/ND-CP
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