(Dan Tri) - These are 5 public universities selected by the Government as key national training institutions for engineering and technology.
The planning of the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, was approved by the Government on February 27.
Accordingly, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, University of Transport, Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education are 5 key public schools and institutes in the field of engineering and technology.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology is planned to become a leading university in Asia.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology is also the university with the highest entrance score in the list of 5 schools mentioned above.
In 2024, the school's highest admission score based on high school graduation exam scores will be 28.53 points. This is the admission score for the Computer Science program (IT1).
The Computer Engineering (IT2) program had the second highest benchmark score with 28.48 points. This was followed by Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IT-E10) with 28.22 points.
The two programs with the lowest benchmark scores are TROY-IT and TROY-BA (international cooperation program with TROY University, USA) with 21 points.
Regarding tuition fees, in the 2024-2025 school year, the school will charge 24-30 million VND/school year for standard programs. Dual degree programs have tuition fees of 24-29 million VND/school year.
The highest tuition rates are for Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Logistics and Supply Chain Management programs at VND64-67 million/school year.
Details of admission scores for training programs at Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2024 are as follows:
Hanoi University of Science and Technology's benchmark score in 2024 (Screenshot).
The University of Transport has a lower entrance score, ranging from 20.5 to 26.45 based on high school graduation exam scores.
In which, the highest benchmark is Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the lowest is Traffic Construction Engineering.
The school's tuition is currently the lowest among the five schools, around 15.6-32.9 million VND/school year.
Details of the benchmark scores for training majors of the University of Transport in 2024 are as follows:
Admission scores of University of Transport in 2024 (Screenshot).
At Hanoi University of Civil Engineering , Logistics and Supply Chain Management also has the highest standard score with 24.8 points. Next is Information Technology with 24.75 points.
The specific benchmark scores of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering in 2024 are as follows:
Hanoi University of Civil Engineering's benchmark score in 2024 (Screenshot).
This year, according to the expected enrollment plan, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering will directly enroll two groups of students outside the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET).
One is specialized students of specialized high schools, national key high schools with an average score of 8.0 or higher in grades 10, 11 and semester I of grade 12.
Second, candidates must have an international SAT certificate with a score of 1,200/1,600 or higher, or an ACT score of 26/36 or higher.
Another point worth noting is that candidates can use the results of the art drawing subject at other universities to apply to Hanoi University of Construction instead of being required to take this aptitude test organized by the school.
According to the 2024-2025 tuition fee schedule, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering collects 263,000 - 868,500 VND/credit (about 16.4 million VND/school year).
In 2024, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology will have an entrance score of 18 to 26.4, the highest being in Information Technology.
Specifically, the benchmark scores of the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology at the two campuses are as follows:
2024 Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology benchmark (Screenshot).
The average tuition fee for the general program at the Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology is about 27-34 million VND/year depending on the major.
High-quality programs and international joint programs have higher fees, 39-55.5 million VND/year.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education is the only representative in the South. In 2024, the school's pedagogical majors all had a benchmark score of over 24, the highest being English Pedagogy with 27.5 points.
STEM majors have the highest benchmark score of 26.14.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education's benchmark score in 2024 (Screenshot).
The school's tuition fees are relatively high, ranging from 28 to 36 million VND for training programs in Vietnamese. The English training program alone charges 58 million VND/school year.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/diem-chuan-hoc-phi-cua-5-dai-hoc-trong-diem-ve-ky-thuat-cong-nghe-20250314153311749.htm
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