A comprehensive assessment of the results achieved in the first 6 months of 2024 shows that the practice of thrift and anti-wastefulness (THTK, CLP) is one of the key tasks, always receiving close attention and timely direction from the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee. However, this work still reveals shortcomings and limitations, which are risks leading to corruption and negativity. Therefore, it is necessary to be determined to overcome them to practice thrift and anti-waste more effectively and substantially.
Positive results
In the first 6 months of 2024, implementing the directions of the Central and Provincial Party Committees, the Provincial People's Committee has issued mechanisms, policies, and supervision... on THTK, CLP, especially in the implementation of public investment, management and use of land resources, regular expenditures... From there, important results have been achieved in all fields.
The highlight is that the total amount of administrative management expenses saved in the province is 9,254 million VND. To achieve this figure, departments and branches have thoroughly saved regular expenses, especially public procurement, repairs, domestic and international business trips, use of public cars, organizing conferences, seminars, research, surveys, saving electricity, gasoline, etc.
Regarding THTK and CLP in the management and use of public investment capital, the province has allocated public investment capital in 2024 to ensure concentration, no dispersion, spread out, and effective use of investment capital. Only assign capital plans for projects that have completed investment procedures approved by competent authorities in accordance with the provisions of the law on public investment and other relevant legal documents. Prioritize capital allocation to implement, accelerate progress, complete early and promote the effectiveness of important projects, connecting projects, projects with inter-regional impacts, and meaningful in promoting rapid and sustainable socio-economic development. Allocate sufficient capital for projects with approved settlement, transitional projects, and projects completed within the year to promote investment efficiency. The disbursement result of the 2024 capital plan up to May 30, 2024 is 671,582 billion VND, reaching 13.21% compared to the capital plan assigned by the Prime Minister, striving to disburse over 95% of the capital plan by the end of 2024. In addition, implementing savings from investment policies, only deciding on investment policies for effective projects and projects that are suitable for the ability to balance public investment capital. Conducting reviews, cuts, and suspending construction items that are not really necessary or have low investment efficiency. The process of appraising and approving investment policies for projects is strictly implemented, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Investment; in which, it is necessary to determine the investment scale of the project in accordance with the ability to balance capital and each capital source is balanced in the Medium-term Public Investment Plan for the period 2021-2025. Up to now, 22 projects have been appraised and submitted for approval with a total investment of 22 projects before appraisal of 2,872.66 billion VND. The result is that the total investment of 22 projects appraised and approved is 2,859.256 billion VND, saving 13.399 billion VND.
Also in the first 6 months of the year, the province has conducted 14 inspections and 55 inspections and checks with 339 organizations and individuals, which have been completed and issued inspection conclusions: 13, the remaining inspections have just been implemented and are still within the inspection period. Through specialized inspections, the following violations were discovered: Violations of 1.65 billion VND were discovered, and the entire amount of money mentioned above was recommended to be recovered; 94 decisions on administrative sanctions were issued with a total amount of 861.85 million VND, and 848.01 million VND was collected.
Need to get more practical
However, according to the assessment of the Provincial People's Committee, the practice of thrift and anti-waste still has many shortcomings and limitations. In particular, the development of thrift practice and anti-waste programs in some agencies and units is slower than the prescribed time. The total number of agencies, units and localities that have developed thrift and anti-waste programs in 2024 is 36/66 units. Some agencies and units are still general and formalistic, have not developed specific quantitative thrift plan targets with data, have not identified key and focal targets that need to focus on directing thrift, and have not closely followed the characteristics and specificities of each agency, unit and locality to set out a practical action program. The emulation movement for thrift and anti-waste has not been strongly aroused and is not practical. Typical examples of thrift and anti-waste have not been discovered, propagated and replicated in a timely manner. Among cadres, civil servants and public employees, there is still a situation of using working hours for the wrong purposes or not being economical in using electricity and water in the agency... Staff work has not shown full responsibility, work progress is still slow, still needing reminders. The management and use of public assets in agencies and units is still limited, not being paid attention to, closely monitored; some agencies and units have not paid attention to the management of houses and land...
In the last 6 months of 2024, Binh Thuan will focus on tasks such as tightening financial and budgetary discipline; drastically implementing solutions to prevent revenue loss, transfer pricing, tax evasion, and tax debt collection; strictly controlling local budget deficits. Promoting the allocation, implementation and disbursement of public investment capital, capital sources of 3 national target programs; speeding up the implementation of key and important national public investment projects, key and inter-regional projects, projects with spillover effects... At the same time, strengthening the inspection and examination of THTK and CLP to effectively manage and use state budget funds and assets, supervise land allocation and land use for investment projects, disbursement and effective use of investment capital... associated with timely reward and discipline mechanisms to create a clear change in awareness and implementation organization in agencies, units and localities.
Binh Thuan also proposed many solutions to implement the above key tasks, including continuing to promote the dissemination and education of laws on THTK and CLP in many forms. Focus on expanding and commending typical examples in THTK and CLP, promptly handling agencies, units, organizations and individuals who violate and cause waste; protecting information providers who detect waste according to authority. Regarding the management and use of public investment capital, it will review and promptly adjust the 2024 public investment capital plan from projects that have not disbursed or are slow to disburse to projects that are capable of disbursing and need to supplement the capital plan to avoid the situation where capital has been allocated but not disbursed, causing waste and difficulties in management. Strive to disburse over 95% of the 2024 public investment capital plan assigned by the Prime Minister.
By practicing the implementation of the above key tasks and solutions, it will create a strong change in awareness and sense of responsibility of agencies, organizations and individuals in complying with the law on THTK and CLP; improve the effectiveness of THTK and CLP work of departments, branches, units and authorities at all levels in the province not only in 2024 but also in the coming period.
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