Project Management Board 4 (Vietnam Road Administration) said that according to the design, the railway overpass is built on a permanent scale using steel, reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete. The bridge is of level III construction, with a different level crossing. The cross-section of the overpass is 12m wide; the minimum clearance height over the railway is more than 6m. The total length of the bridge to the end of the abutment is 167.14m.
Regarding the approach road, the M1 abutment side has a retaining wall with a length of 117.2m; the M2 abutment side has a retaining wall with a length of 114.78m. The access roads on both sides of the retaining wall have a width of 5.4m and 3.5m, the road surface is asphalt concrete. The total length of the bridge and the approach road is 399.12m.
Some people affected by the project in Binh Quy commune proposed not to build a railway overpass, but only to expand the road across the railway (at the same level intersection).
Meanwhile, the investor representative explained that the railway overpass at km15+615.32 of National Highway 14E is a grade III road bridge along with the road level section from km15+270-km16+054. Therefore, according to Clauses 2 and 3 of Article 17 of the Railway Law No. 06/2017/QH14, railways intersecting with roads must build grade-separated intersections in the following cases: Railways with a design speed of 100km/h or more intersecting with roads; railways intersecting with roads of grade III or higher; railways intersecting with urban roads; urban railways intersecting with roads, except for railway-wheeled trams.
[VIDEO] - Current status of railway intersection with National Highway 14E:
According to the Railway Law, investors building new railways must be responsible for building grade-separated intersections according to the provisions of Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 17; investors building new roads must be responsible for building grade-separated intersections according to the provisions of Clause 2 of this Article.
Therefore, the construction of a railway overpass is mandatory when upgrading and renovating National Highway 14E. Moreover, the railway overpass will replace level crossings. From here, we will avoid intersections between roads and railways, prevent unsafe traffic between roads and railways, and effectively promote the speed of trains and vehicles participating in traffic on the road. Create favorable conditions for the transportation of goods by both road and rail, develop the economy - society and ensure security - national defense.
Mr. Que Hai Trung - Deputy Director of Project Management Board 4 (Vietnam Road Administration) shared that the project to renovate and upgrade National Highway 14E is implemented with medium-term capital for the period 2021 - 2025. In particular, the railway overpass cannot change its investment plan. If this overpass is not completed by 2025, the Ministry of Transport will withdraw its capital.
According to experts, the overpass will impact and disrupt the people living nearby. However, when completed and put into use, the project will bring great benefits to the community, such as developing urban infrastructure, ensuring traffic safety for roads and railways.
If the overpass is not built, houses next to the railway will be heavily polluted by dust and noise in the long run as vehicles, especially trucks and buses, traveling on Highway 14E are increasing. People going to work spend a lot of time waiting for the train to pass. Not to mention, seriously ill people being transported to the emergency room must stop if the train is running, missing the golden opportunity to be saved.
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