Major General Le Tat Cuong, Political Commissar of the General Department of Logistics, offered incense to President Ho Chi Minh at the President Ho Chi Minh Memorial House in Deo De hamlet, Phu Dinh commune, Dinh Hoa, Thai Nguyen.

The delegation visited the monument marking the Political Department, General Department of Logistics located in Dinh Bien commune, Dinh Hoa district, Thai Nguyen province.

Within the framework of the activities to return to the source, the delegation offered incense at the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh in Deo De hamlet, Phu Dinh commune; offered incense at the relic site of the General Department of Supply (now the General Department of Logistics) in Thanh Dinh commune, which was a revolutionary base, where the forward command post of the General Department of Supply was located during the resistance war against France.

Next, the delegation offered incense at the stele marking the working location of the commander and the office of the Political Department, General Department of Supply during the period (1951-1952) in Dinh Bien commune during the resistance war against the French.

Major General Le Tat Cuong, Chief of Political Department of the General Department of Logistics, spoke at the meeting and presented gifts to policy households in Thanh Dinh commune.
Scene of the meeting and gift giving at Thanh Dinh commune, Dinh Hoa district, Thai Nguyen province.

Speaking to the local authorities and people here, Major General Le Tat Cuong affirmed that over the past 72 years, the officers, employees and soldiers of the Political Department have always received the enthusiastic and responsible coordination and support of the Party Committee, authorities, organizations and people in the military areas, working areas in general and the two communes of Dinh Bien and Thanh Dinh in particular.

The Head of the Political Department, General Department of Logistics presented gifts and a set of computers to the local Party Committee and government of Thanh Dinh commune.
The delegation presented gifts to policy families in Dinh Bien commune.
The delegation presented gifts to policy families in Thanh Dinh commune.

From 2021 to present, with the coordination and support of the Party Committee, government and people of Dinh Bien commune, the Political Department has found a location and coordinated the construction of a stele marking the residence and workplace of the Commander and the Political Department in the early days of its establishment. This event has left a deep impression on a new development step in the solidarity relationship between the Political Department and Dinh Bien commune. That extremely valuable attention and support is one of the important motivations for the officers and soldiers of the Political Department to strive to overcome difficulties and better fulfill their assigned tasks.

On this occasion, with deep gratitude to the Party Committee, government and people of Thanh Dinh and Dinh Bien communes, officers and soldiers of the Political Department presented 60 gifts to exemplary policy households and families in difficult circumstances. Presented computers to the local government of Thanh Dinh and Dinh Bien communes (Dinh Hoa, Thai Nguyen).

Also here, the working delegation organized propaganda on laws and ethnic policies for the people of the two communes, contributing to gradually improving knowledge and understanding of the law, minimizing violations of the law; helping people grasp the Party's guidelines, viewpoints and policies on ethnic policies and the State's laws.

News and photos: THANG BAY

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