(TN&MT) - The Office of the President held a press conference to announce the President's Order on three laws recently passed by the 15th National Assembly at its 9th extraordinary session. These are three legal documents of great significance in perfecting the political system and the State administrative apparatus, contributing to meeting the country's development requirements in the current period.
This morning (February 28), at the Office of the President, a press conference was held to announce the President's Order on three laws that were recently passed by the 15th National Assembly at its 9th extraordinary session. These three laws include: the Law on Government Organization, the Law on Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on the Organization of the National Assembly, and the Law on Organization of Local Government. These are three important legal documents in perfecting the political system and the State administrative apparatus, contributing to meeting the country's development requirements in the current period.
Law on Government Organization: Strong reform in the organization of the State apparatus
Law on Government Organization No. 63/2025/QHXV was passed by the National Assembly on February 18, 2025 and will take effect from March 1, 2025. This law was developed in the special context of the country, with the goal of reforming the State apparatus towards streamlining and efficiency, while ensuring the long-term stability of the Vietnamese legal system. This is one of the strategic legal documents, creating a solid foundation for the operation of the Government, the highest state administrative agency, performing the function of executive management and organizing the implementation of policies of the Party and State.
The Law on Government Organization 2025 is designed to be concise and easy to understand with 5 chapters and 32 articles, including basic contents such as the division of authority, decentralization, delegation of authority, and authorization between agencies in the State apparatus, especially between the Government, the Prime Minister, Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies and local authorities. This is a particularly important point of the Law, when for the first time the provisions on the division of authority, decentralization, delegation of authority and authorization are clearly designed, creating a solid legal basis for the implementation of tasks of the Government and administrative agencies from the central to local levels.
One of the highlights of the Law is the clarification of the duties, powers and authority of the Prime Minister in leading and directing the activities of the State administrative system from the central to local levels. The Law also clarifies the relationship between the Government, the Prime Minister and legislative and judicial bodies. This aims to create a transparent and clear mechanism in the assignment of duties and powers, ensuring close coordination between State agencies in the implementation of power and policies.
The 2025 Law on Government Organization also pays special attention to decentralization and delegation in state management. The Government will be responsible for leading and directing ministries, branches and localities to implement state policies and laws. The relationship between these agencies is determined on the basis of the principle of "locality decides, locality acts, locality is responsible", creating conditions for localities to promote initiative and creativity in management work.
Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the National Assembly: Streamlining the apparatus and improving operational efficiency
On February 17, 2025, the National Assembly passed the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the National Assembly, with high consensus, reaching 96.44% of the total number of delegates in favor. This Law was built to implement the policy of streamlining and reforming the apparatus of agencies in the political system, improving the operational efficiency of the National Assembly and its agencies.
Specifically, the amended and supplemented contents of this Law focus on the arrangement and consolidation of the agencies of the National Assembly and the Office of the National Assembly, and at the same time adjust a number of regulations related to the activities of the National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the agencies of the National Assembly and the National Assembly deputies. One of the notable points is the adjustment of the organizational structure of the National Assembly agencies, including the Council of Nationalities and the Committees of the National Assembly, in accordance with the policy of streamlining the apparatus, ensuring the rationality and effectiveness in performing the functions and tasks of these agencies.
The amended law also re-stipulates a number of issues related to the powers and duties of National Assembly deputies, especially in the election and vote of confidence for positions elected or approved by the National Assembly. The amendment of these provisions not only improves the effectiveness of legislative work but also ensures the transparency and responsibility of elected bodies in exercising state power.
Law on Organization of Local Government: Strengthening decentralization and delegation of power to localities
Another important law passed by the National Assembly during the 9th extraordinary session is the Law on Organization of Local Government. With 96.03% of delegates in favor, this Law will take effect from March 1, 2025 and create an important turning point in perfecting the local government apparatus.
The Law on Organization of Local Government 2025 is built on the principles of delimitation of authority, decentralization, delegation and authorization between local government levels. This aims to ensure consistency in the legal system, while creating a legal corridor so that localities can proactively solve practical problems, thereby overcoming difficulties in administrative management at the grassroots level.
One of the important new points of the Law is the clear division of tasks and powers between the People's Council (PC) and the People's Committee (PC) at all levels. The Law also emphasizes the strengthening of the authority of the Chairman of the PC in matters related to financial and budget management, organizational structure, inspection and supervision. This aims to create a local government system that operates effectively, clearly and transparently, while avoiding overlap in the assignment of tasks and powers between government levels.
The Law also continues to promote the motto "locality decides, locality acts, locality is responsible", while strengthening decentralization and delegation of power among local government levels in the direction of "whichever level solves the problem more effectively, assign tasks and authority to that level". This is an important reform, creating conditions for localities to be more proactive in solving problems arising on the spot, thereby contributing to promoting local socio-economic development.
B. Ensure consistency in law enforcement
In order for these laws to be effectively implemented, the Ministry of Home Affairs is urgently developing an implementation plan, including steps to organize the dissemination and understanding of the contents of the Law, develop detailed legal documents, and amend and supplement current legal documents to comply with the provisions of the new Law. The implementation will be carried out synchronously from the central to local levels, ensuring consistency in law enforcement.
Along with that, the authorities will organize monitoring, inspection and reporting on the results of law implementation, to ensure that regulations are properly and effectively implemented.
The passage of these three important laws represents a strong innovation in the legislative work of the National Assembly and the Government. These are strategic steps in perfecting the State administrative apparatus, creating a government system from the central to local levels that operates effectively, transparently and meets the country's development requirements. The new provisions in these Laws will contribute to improving the quality of State management, promoting socio-economic development, and ensuring the rights and interests of the people.
Source: https://baotainguyenmoitruong.vn/cong-bo-lenh-chu-tich-nuoc-ve-ba-dao-luat-quan-trong-vua-duoc-quoc-hoi-thong-qua-387147.html
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