Functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology

Báo Tài nguyên Môi trườngBáo Tài nguyên Môi trường03/03/2025

The Government issued Decree No. 55/2025/ND-CP dated March 2, 2025, stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Chức năng, nhiệm vụ và cơ cấu tổ chức của Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ- Ảnh 1.
From March 1, 2025, the Ministry of Science and Technology has 25 units.

According to the Decree, the Ministry of Science and Technology is a Government agency performing the function of state management of scientific research, technology development, innovation, high technology development, strategic technology, development of science and technology potential; intellectual property; quality measurement standards; atomic energy, radiation and nuclear safety; post; telecommunications; radio frequencies; information technology industry, digital technology industry; information technology application; electronic transactions; national digital transformation; state management of public services in the sectors and fields under the Ministry's management according to the provisions of law.

Duties and Powers

The Ministry of Science and Technology performs the tasks and powers prescribed by the Law on Organization of the Government, Government regulations on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and the following specific tasks and powers:

Regarding science, technology and innovation activities, the Ministry of Science and Technology directs and guides the implementation of directions, goals and tasks of science, technology and innovation, promotes the development of key economic and technical sectors and fields on the basis of application, innovation and mastery of technology, development of new technology, high technology, digital technology, strategic technology and commercialization of technology, results of scientific research and technology development; and performs state management of research, development and application of technology in economic and technical sectors and fields.

Develop, guide and organize the implementation of mechanisms and policies on high technology and high-tech zones; manage and organize the certification of high-tech activities and high-tech enterprises; build databases and information infrastructure on high technology; and perform state management of strategic technology.

Guiding the identification, ordering, selection, direct assignment, evaluation, and acceptance of scientific, technological, and innovative tasks; coordinating with the Ministry of Finance to guide the determination of asset values ​​resulting from scientific and technological tasks and intellectual property according to the provisions of law; assigning ownership and the right to use the results of scientific research, technological development, and innovation using the state budget.

Manage science, technology and innovation tasks in the fields under the management of the Ministry; develop, guide and organize the implementation of national science and technology tasks; manage and organize the implementation of tasks in national science, technology and innovation programs and projects approved by the Prime Minister; inspect, supervise and evaluate the implementation process and post-acceptance of science, technology and innovation programs, topics and projects using the state budget according to decentralization; organize independent evaluation of scientific research results, technology development and innovation.

Guide and register activities for scientific and technological organizations according to the provisions of law; develop, guide and organize the implementation of mechanisms and policies to encourage and support the development of research activities on technology application and technical progress, and technology incubation; Support organizations and individuals in technology assessment, technology innovation, technology search, technology transfer, decoding and mastering technology from abroad, and patent exploitation.

Regarding innovation and technology market development , the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for unifying the management of innovation activities; developing, guiding, inspecting and organizing the implementation of mechanisms and policies to encourage, support and encourage innovation development and mobilize investment resources for innovation; managing, guiding and organizing the implementation of innovation activities; developing the science and technology market and the national innovation system with enterprises at the center; creating and promoting a legal environment to support innovation.

Guiding the establishment, management and development of the system of innovation organizations and innovation support organizations; organizing the identification of innovation centers and supporting innovation according to the provisions of law; building, operating and developing innovation networks.

Managing, guiding and organizing the implementation of science and technology market development; promoting regional, national and international technology markets; intermediary organizations of science and technology markets, technology transaction centers, and technology exchanges.

Support the improvement of technological capacity for enterprises according to the provisions of law; develop and implement programs and projects to support the development of the science and technology market; direct and organize technology and equipment markets, activities to connect technology supply and demand sources; technology trading activities, promote technology transfer; exhibitions of science, technology and innovation.

Regarding creative startups and science and technology enterprises, the Ministry of Science and Technology unifies the management of technology incubation, creative startups, and science and technology enterprises; develops, guides, inspects, and organizes the implementation of mechanisms and policies on identifying, recognizing, providing incentives, supporting, and encouraging the development of technology incubation facilities, science and technology enterprise incubation, technical facilities, co-working spaces, individuals, groups of individuals, creative startups, creative startup consultants, creative startup support organizations, investors for creative startups, and other entities of the creative startup ecosystem.

Managing and developing the national innovative startup ecosystem; creating and promoting the legal environment and mobilizing investment resources for innovative startups, technology incubation, and science and technology business incubation; managing, guiding and organizing the development of a system of organizations supporting innovative startups, technology incubation facilities, science and technology business incubation, technical facilities, and co-working spaces supporting innovative startups; building, operating, and developing a national innovative startup network, experts, consultants, and investors in innovative startups.

Regarding the development of science, technology and innovation potential, the Ministry of Science and Technology shall preside over and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities to develop and submit to competent authorities for approval the planning of the network of public science and technology organizations and organize the implementation after it is promulgated; guide the implementation of the autonomy mechanism of public science and technology organizations; submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation a list of basic and essential public career services in the field of science and technology; preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries and agencies to submit to competent authorities for promulgation and organize the implementation of mechanisms and policies to enhance the autonomy capacity of public science and technology organizations.

Specify criteria for classification, ranking, conditions for establishment, merger, consolidation, reorganization, and dissolution of scientific and technological organizations; establish, appraise the establishment, reorganization, and dissolution of public scientific and technological organizations according to the provisions of law; provide guidance on functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, and operating regulations of the Management Council in public scientific and technological organizations.

Develop and organize the implementation of long-term training plans for science and technology human resources, plans for training, fostering, and improving professional qualifications and skills in science and technology; organize and implement training, fostering professional qualifications and skills in science and technology for science and technology human resources under the scope of management.

Regarding intellectual property, the Ministry of Science and Technology shall preside over and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities to develop, guide and organize the implementation of mechanisms, policies, strategies, planning, plans, programs and projects on intellectual property; develop, guide, organize and inspect the implementation of legal provisions on intellectual property; prescribe processes and procedures for establishing and transferring industrial property rights of organizations and individuals; and perform state management of innovation activities.

Guide and organize the establishment and transfer of industrial property rights, including the management of the use of national geographical signs ("Vietnam", "Viet", "Viet Nam", "Viet") to register certification trademarks and collective trademarks for national products and services of Vietnam; implement measures to protect the legitimate rights of the State, organizations and individuals in the field of industrial property.

Provide guidance on industrial property operations for management agencies, organizations and individuals; provide guidance and support to organizations and individuals in managing, exploiting and developing intellectual property within the scope of state management in accordance with the provisions of law; manage industrial property representation activities, industrial property appraisal and other intellectual property services.

Regarding standards, measurement and quality , the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for managing activities in the field of standards and technical regulations; appraising and promulgating national standards; guiding the development and appraisal of national technical regulations; participating in the development of international standards and regional standards; guiding the application of international standards, regional standards and foreign standards in Vietnam; guiding the development of local technical regulations; guiding the development and promulgation of basic standards; managing the activities of the network of notification and enquiry agencies and the Inter-sectoral Committee on technical barriers to trade; managing the national database of national standards and national technical regulations; state management of product labels, codes, barcodes and traceability of products and goods.

Organize the development and guidance on the application of national standards and develop, promulgate and guide the application of national technical regulations in the assigned management fields; perform the functions and tasks of the Agency for notification and enquiry on technical barriers to trade in the fields under the state management of the Ministry.

Manage the establishment, maintenance, preservation, use, development and application of the measurement standards system; approve national measurement standards; organize research, deployment, application, development, manufacturing and production of products, standard substances and measuring equipment; designate organizations to maintain national measurement standards; organize measurement management of measuring instruments, measurements, pre-packaged goods quantities and measurement standards; organize management of inspection, calibration and testing of measuring instruments and measurement standards; support innovation and development of measurement activities in enterprises; conduct state inspections of measurement, product quality and product labels in accordance with the provisions of law.

Regarding atomic energy, radiation and nuclear safety , the Ministry of Science and Technology shall conduct state management of research, development and application of atomic energy in economic and technical sectors; preside over and coordinate with ministries and branches in formulating, guiding and organizing the implementation of plans and projects for the development and application of atomic energy to serve socio-economic development; conduct state management of ensuring radiation and nuclear safety, nuclear security and inspection, and responding to radiation and nuclear incidents;

Develop, submit to competent authorities for promulgation or promulgate under authority and organize the implementation of mechanisms, policies and legal documents on atomic energy, radiation and nuclear safety according to regulations; inspect and handle violations of ensuring radiation safety and nuclear safety for activities in the field of atomic energy.

Organize the management of the national environmental radiation monitoring and warning network and the radiation and nuclear measurement standards system; perform state management of safety and security of nuclear fuel, spent fuel, nuclear materials, source nuclear materials, radioactive waste and service activities supporting the application of atomic energy; manage the import and export of radiation equipment technology, nuclear fuel, spent nuclear fuel, nuclear materials and radioactive sources nationwide.

Regarding postal services, the Ministry of Science and Technology guides, organizes and inspects the implementation of mechanisms, policies, strategies, planning, plans, projects, schemes and programs on postal services; organizes the inspection of the list, support mechanisms and activities of providing public postal services according to the provisions of law.

Regulate and manage prices and quality of public postal services, dedicated postal services, postal services serving Party and State agencies and other postal services according to law provisions; manage postage stamps and safety in postal activities according to authority; manage national postal codes and Vietnam postal stamp codes.

Regulate and guide the operation of the public postal network and the postal network serving Party and State agencies; coordinate the management of competition and dispute resolution in the postal sector, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users of postal services in accordance with the law.

Regarding telecommunications, the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for guiding, directing, and organizing the implementation of strategies, plans, programs, mechanisms, and policies on telecommunications, the Internet, and digital infrastructure; promulgating and regulating the list, scope, subjects, and prices of public telecommunications services and support mechanisms for enterprises to provide public telecommunications services, support the use of public telecommunications services, and support terminal equipment according to the provisions of law; and organizing the implementation of programs to provide public telecommunications services.

Preside over the development and implementation of regulations on market management and competition in the telecommunications and Internet sectors; protect the rights of users of telecommunications and Internet services in accordance with the law; promulgate and organize the implementation of planning and regulations on the management and use of telecommunications numbers and Internet resources; allocate, grant, and revoke telecommunications numbers and Internet resources; organize the auction and transfer of the right to use telecommunications codes, numbers, and Vietnamese national domain names ".vn".

Issue mechanisms, policies, regulations and organize the implementation of price management in the telecommunications and Internet sectors in accordance with the provisions of law; control and suspend the application of telecommunications service prices when telecommunications enterprises impose or devalue telecommunications service prices, causing instability in the telecommunications market and damage to the legitimate rights and interests of telecommunications service users, other telecommunications enterprises and the State. Coordinate the implementation of promotional management in the telecommunications sector. Direct and guide the implementation of reporting, accounting and auditing regimes to serve the management of telecommunications and Internet service prices.

Regarding radio frequencies, the Ministry of Science and Technology guides and organizes the implementation of national radio frequency spectrum planning; transmission and broadcasting activities according to the information and communication infrastructure planning approved by the Prime Minister; presides over and coordinates with the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security to allocate frequency bands for national defense and security purposes and submit them to the Prime Minister for approval; promulgates frequency band planning, frequency channel allocation planning, frequency channel usage planning, and regulations on conditions for allocation, assignment and use of radio frequencies.

Manage radio emission quality, electromagnetic compatibility and radio radiation safety according to the provisions of law; regulate technical conditions and operating conditions for types of radio equipment exempted from licenses; train and guide radio operations; manage training and certification of radio operators.

Manage fees for granting radio frequency licenses, radio frequency usage fees, and radio frequency usage rights according to law; inspect and control radio frequencies and equipment, and handle harmful interference; register and coordinate internationally on radio frequencies and satellite orbits; submit to competent authorities for promulgation and organize the implementation of regulations on auctions, selections, and transfers of radio frequency usage rights.

Regarding the information technology industry and digital technology industry, the Ministry of Science and Technology guides, directs, and organizes the implementation of strategies, plans, policies, programs, projects, and plans for the development of the information technology industry, digital technology industry, and semiconductor industry; submits to competent authorities for promulgation or promulgates under its authority policies, incentives, and investment priorities for the development of the information technology industry, digital technology industry, and semiconductor industry; announces the list and develops programs for the development of key and essential information technology and digital technology products and services.

Appraise programs, plans and projects for the development of information technology industry, digital technology industry and semiconductor industry; promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation criteria for assessment and certification of functions and technical features of information technology industry and digital technology industry products and services; policies and mechanisms for management and development of concentrated information technology and digital technology zones.

Regarding national digital transformation, the Ministry of Science and Technology performs the duties of the standing committee of the National Committee on digital transformation; the focal point for synthesizing and advising on the coordination of inter-sectoral coordination activities between ministries, branches and localities to implement policies, strategies, programs, plans, projects, mechanisms and policies to create a legal environment to promote the application of information technology and national digital transformation.

Develop, guide, and organize the implementation of mechanisms, policies, strategies, plans, programs, and general projects on national digital transformation; issue a set of indicators to assess the level of digital transformation at the national, ministerial, and provincial levels; organize evaluation and publish annual periodic evaluation results.

Regarding the construction and development of e-Government and digital Government, the Ministry of Science and Technology shall develop, guide and organize the implementation of mechanisms, policies, strategies, plans, programs and national projects on the application of information technology in state agencies, the construction of e-Government, digital government and smart cities; guide, appraise, inspect, evaluate and rank the construction and organization of the implementation of programs, plans, projects and projects on the application of information technology, the construction of e-Government, digital government and smart cities of ministries, branches and localities according to their authority; evaluate and inspect the quality of products and solutions applying information technology, the construction of e-Government, digital government and smart cities.

Develop and promulgate a list of shared digital platforms of state agencies; publish a list of key tasks on digital transformation of state agencies, place orders and assign tasks to digital technology enterprises to perform; guide, supervise and inspect data management activities, sharing and exploiting data in the construction of e-Government and digital Government according to the provisions of law; develop, maintain, update and organize the implementation of the Vietnam e-Government Architecture Framework, Digital Government, ICT Reference Framework for Smart Urban Development; develop and guide the organization and implementation of the model of the Smart Operation Monitoring Center of state agencies.

Regarding digital economy and digital society , the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for guiding and organizing the implementation of mechanisms, policies, strategies, laws, plans, programs, and national projects on the development of digital economy and digital society; guiding and evaluating the development, organization, and implementation of programs, plans, projects, and projects related to digital economy and digital society.

Managing and promoting the development of digital economy, national digital platform to serve the development of digital economy and digital society; propagating, disseminating, fostering, training, promoting digital transformation of enterprises, new business models applying digital technology, digital skills, digital citizens, digital connections and digital culture, operating in compliance with the rules of conduct in the digital environment in society and community; building, managing, operating information systems, databases on the development of national digital economy and digital society according to the provisions of law.

Regarding electronic transactions, the Ministry of Science and Technology guides, directs, and organizes the implementation of strategies, plans, policies, programs, and projects for the development of electronic transactions; legal documents on electronic transactions; technical requirements, technical audits, and product and service quality in electronic transactions.

Manage reporting, measurement, and statistics of electronic transaction activities; manage the security monitoring of information systems serving electronic transactions of information system owners; build, manage, and operate systems for receiving and synthesizing data serving state management of electronic transactions of state agencies.

Management of electronic signatures, trusted services, organizations providing trusted services; recognition of foreign electronic signatures, foreign electronic signature certificates, organizations providing foreign electronic certification services in Vietnam according to the provisions of law; management and organization of the construction, exploitation and development of national electronic certification infrastructure, systems for maintaining and checking the status of digital signature certificates; issuance and revocation of digital signature certificates; regulations on interconnection between systems providing public digital signature services and specialized digital signatures for public services.

The Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for building, managing, operating, and exploiting private postal and telecommunications networks and specialized data transmission networks to serve the direction and administration of Party and State agencies; deciding on measures to mobilize networks and services, means and equipment for information transmission to serve emergencies related to national security, natural disasters, and enemy attacks as assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister; managing civil servants and specialized public employees under the Ministry's management in accordance with the provisions of law...

Organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology

Decree 55/2025/ND-CP stipulates the organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology, including 25 units: 1- Department of Posts; 2- Department of Technology Assessment and Appraisal; 3- Department of Science, Technology and Technology; 4- Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Natural Sciences; 5- Department of Digital Economy and Society; 6- Department of Planning and Finance; 7- Department of International Cooperation; 8- Department of Legal Affairs; 9- Department of Organization and Personnel; 10- Ministry Office; 11- Ministry Inspectorate; 12- Department of Radiation and Nuclear Safety; 13- Central Post Office; 14- Department of Information Technology Industry; 15- Department of National Digital Transformation; 16- Department of Innovation; 17- Department of Startups and Technology Enterprises; 18- Department of Intellectual Property; 19- Department of Radio Frequency; 20- Department of Information and Statistics; 21- Department of Telecommunications; 22- National Committee for Standards, Metrology and Quality; 23- Information Technology Center; 24- Academy of Science and Technology Strategy; 25- VnExpress Newspaper.

The units specified from 1 to 22 are administrative organizations assisting the Minister in performing the state management function; the organizations specified from 23 to 25 are public service units serving the state management function of the ministry. The National Committee for Standards, Metrology and Quality is allowed to use the seal in the shape of the National Emblem.

The Minister of Science and Technology shall submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation a decision stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Academy of Science and Technology Strategy and a list of other public service units under the ministry.

The Minister of Science and Technology prescribes the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of units under the Ministry according to his/her authority.

The Academy of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Vietnam Science and Technology Journal, the Institute of Information and Communication Strategy, the School of Training and Development of Information and Communication Management Staff, and the Information and Communication Journal shall continue to operate until the Prime Minister issues a decision regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Academy of Science and Technology Strategy. The implementation period shall not exceed 03 months from the effective date of this Decree.

The Department of Information Security continues to maintain activities to handle financial issues, state budgets, public property, programs and projects; personnel and other outstanding issues (if any) in no more than 03 months from the effective implementation of this Decree.

VietnamNet Newspaper continues to operate until the competent authority approves the transfer of VietnamNet newspaper to the Ministry of Ethnic ministry and religion.

This Decree takes effect from March 1, 2025; replacing the Government's Decree No. 28/2023/ND-CP of June 2, 2023, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Decree No. 48/2022/ND-CP dated July 26, 2022


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