According to The Thaiger, a woman named Jean and her husband lived in the same village in Thailand. After a period of love, the two decided to live together and had a beautiful, lovely baby girl. The life of this small family was basically peaceful and happy.
However, in recent years, the different nature of work has made Jean and her husband gradually more distant and indifferent than before. While Jean is an office worker, only working during office hours and then going home, her husband is a freelancer, working irregular hours, and has little time to spend with his family.
Over the past year, Jean noticed that her husband seemed indifferent and bored, so she tried to arrange her work and take advantage of time to rekindle their love. However, whenever Jean suggested it, her husband refused, saying that he was "too tired from work and had no energy for romance or love." Just like that, Jean became discouraged, and the love and connection between the two gradually faded.
Finally, the end of the marriage came on the occasion of her daughter’s fifth birthday, when Jean threw a special birthday party for her. When taking a family photo, she asked her husband to kiss her on the cheek for a sweet souvenir photo. At first, her husband was hesitant and did not like it, but after a while, he reluctantly complied.
Then the husband went out to buy a drink. At this point, the 5-year-old daughter turned to Jean and said: "Mommy, do you know why daddy doesn't kiss you? Because he kisses a beautiful woman every afternoon. I saw it when he picked me up from school. He told me not to tell you. It's a secret between me and him. So, this is also a secret between you and me."
A little girl's innocent words turned a happy birthday party into the end of a marriage. Illustration photo
Hearing these words, Jean's heart sank. The next day, she confronted her husband about the "other woman", and he finally admitted to the affair.
In the end, Jean and her husband decided to divorce but still argued about property division and child custody.
Jean shared her story on social media, advising everyone to pay attention to small cracks in the family, don't wait until it's too late, there will be no chance of healing.
Men cheat to find feelings they can't find in their partners.
Many men choose mistresses who are not as beautiful or talented as their wives. However, the truth is that he is attracted to girls who possess personality traits that his wife does not have.
For example, his wife at home is often loud and boisterous, has a strong temperament, and is reckless. Therefore, the "extramarital affair" he chooses is a gentle and discreet woman. For him, it is a new feeling he has never felt before. Especially when all the freshness has passed, extramarital affairs with new things create a temptation that is difficult to resist.
Having a mistress is the actual execution of the sketches he has drawn in his mind of the perfect partner.
Most men who cheat do not truly love their mistresses, but simply want to find a new emotion. The easiest test to verify this is when the mistresses demand to make the relationship public, or want the man to leave his wife to be with her.
Men cheat because they allow themselves to. Illustration photo
Most men are selfish, do not want to leave their wives and children, and do not want to lose their partners. This clearly shows their greedy nature, never true love.
That is why, in his research, Robert Weiss, author of many books on marriage research, pointed out a fact: Many married men, even though their families are happy, still have affairs.
His research shows that sometimes men cheat not because they are dissatisfied with their current marriage. They simply cheat because they allow themselves to do so. Although cheating is a condemnable act in the eyes of society, for men, it has little to do with their love and care for their family.
Robert Weiss emphasized: "Men think: Yes, I cheated, but I still did my responsibilities to my family, I am still a good father and husband. The only thing these men do not understand is that their wives will not think the same way they do." Robert's conclusion shows that men who cheat underestimate the impact of their behavior on their partners.
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