GĐXH - Her mother hid the truth from her for nearly 30 years. The incident was only discovered when her lover gave her a DNA test kit as a birthday present...
Kate Valerio, now 32, was convinced she was 100% Portuguese. It wasn't until she took a DNA test at age 28 that she discovered her true origins.
Her family has 10 siblings. From a young age, Kate always felt different. She had black hair, while her siblings had blonde hair and blue eyes.
"When I was little, my siblings often teased me because I was different from them. They said I was picked up from the trash or swapped at birth," she recalled.
Still, she never doubted her bloodline, only occasionally wondering why she was so different.
Her life changed when her lover gave her a DNA test kit as a birthday present.
"I was surprised to find out that I am only 36% Portuguese, the rest is from North Africa and the Middle East," she said.
Kate Valerio on a trip to Egypt. Photo: Newsweek
Although she was surprised, she didn't pay much attention until two years later. A woman named Samar Tony contacted her online and said she knew her biological father.
Kate didn't believe it at first, but when she talked to her mother, she thought she was hiding something.
"My mother has hidden the truth from me for nearly 30 years. She had a relationship with another man and that man is my biological father. He is Egyptian," she revealed.
Shocked by this truth, she decided to go to Egypt to look for relatives she had never known. She met her relatives.
Samar Tony was one of her cousins. Sadly, Kate's biological father passed away in 2008 without ever knowing of her existence.
In June 2022, Kate flew to Paris, France to meet Samar and her family. Laughter, tears, and hugs filled the room as she walked in.
She then reunites with her family in Egypt, meeting her half-siblings.
Kate is currently learning the language so she can communicate with her new family.
"It's hard to believe that all this has happened to me. However, I'm very happy to meet my relatives and realize that they have many similarities with me," she said.
Kate Valerio and her cousins in Egypt. Photo: Newsweek
Should you disclose your affair to your partner?
Whether or not you should disclose your affair to your spouse is a complex question that depends on your specific circumstances and personal choices. However, here are a few factors to consider:
1. Love and forgiveness
If you're looking to maintain a relationship and feel that the truth will help you and your partner understand each other better, being upfront can give you the opportunity to rebuild trust.
However, be prepared for strong reactions from your partner, as this is very sensitive information.
2. Impact on relationships
Revealing an affair can cause deep pain and hurt to your partner, and may even lead to the end of the relationship.
This is especially important if your relationship is stable or you don't want to risk losing your partner.
Revealing an affair can cause deep pain and hurt to your partner. Illustration photo
3. Purpose of disclosure
It is important to clearly define the purpose of sharing this information.
If you want to clear your conscience or release your emotions, this is something to think carefully about, as it can cause unnecessary hurt.
However, if sharing can help rebuild trust and help both parties get through the crisis, it can also be a way to heal.
4. Reasons for adultery
If you have a clear understanding of why you cheated and have realized your mistakes, you may want to share with your partner to find a way to work through the problem together, especially if you are remorseful and ready to change.
Every situation is different, so think carefully about the possible consequences, listen to your own and your partner's feelings, and if possible, consult with experienced people or a relationship counselor to make the right decision.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/bi-mat-dong-troi-ve-than-the-con-gai-ma-me-chon-giau-30-nam-172250220105407975.htm
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