Duong Mong village currently has 667 households with more than 2,400 people. Over the past years, the villagers have well implemented the Party's policies and the State's laws; promoted the spirit of solidarity, made efforts to develop the economy, and contributed to building their homeland.
Up to now, the village has been recognized as a model new rural village; average income per capita reaches 60.5 million VND/year; the village has no poor households in the poverty reduction category; the rate of cultural families reaches 98.4%.
Infrastructure and cultural institutions have been invested in quite synchronously. Many national flag routes, flower and tree routes have been built to enhance the appearance of the countryside. In 2024, the people of Duong Mong village contributed more than 100 million VND and thousands of square meters of land to expand 5 traffic routes.
The village organized awards for 300 students with a budget of more than 60 million VND, supported more than 7 million VND for the poor, and supported northern compatriots affected by natural disasters with more than 26 million VND.
Speaking at the festival, Lieutenant Colonel Tran Huu Ich - Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Provincial Military Command congratulated the results that Duong Mong village has achieved in recent times; wished that the people would continue to promote the tradition of solidarity, the spirit of mutual love, actively compete in labor production, join hands to build the homeland more and more prosperous...
On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee - People's Council - People's Committee - Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province, Lieutenant Colonel Tran Huu Ich and Secretary of Que Son District Party Committee - Dinh Nguyen Vu presented 2 great solidarity houses (each worth 60 million VND) to Ms. Huynh Thi Manh (Duong Mong village) and Ms. Bui Thi Nam (Trung Ha village, Que Hiep commune); presented 18 gifts to poor households of Duong Mong village.
On this occasion, the People's Committee of Que Xuan 1 commune awarded 3 clans and 3 households of Duong Mong village for their outstanding achievements in the movement "All people unite to build a cultural life".
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/lanh-dao-bo-chi-huy-quan-su-tinh-quang-nam-du-ngay-hoi-dai-doan-ket-tai-xa-que-xuan-1-3144052.html
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