Latest storm news, currently, storm number 8 is in the northeastern sea area of the North East Sea. The strongest wind near the storm center is level 9 (75-88km/h), gusting to level 11.
Latest news on storm number 8
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 4:00 a.m. on November 13, the center of the storm was located at approximately 20.1 degrees North latitude; 116.8 degrees East longitude, in the northeastern sea area of the North East Sea. The strongest wind near the center of the storm was level 9 (75-88 km/h), gusting to level 11. Moving in the West Northwest direction, speed 10-15 km/h.
Direction of movement of storm No. 8. Photo: nchmf.
Storm forecast (next 24 to 72 hours):
Forecast time | Direction, speed | Location | Intensity | Danger zone | Disaster Risk Level (Affected Area) |
04h/14/11 | West Northwest, 10-15km/h, intensity gradually weakens | 20.6N-114.1E; in the northern sea area of the North East Sea | Level 8, level 10 jerk | Latitude 18.0N-22.0N; longitude 112.5E-118.5E | Level 3: Northern sea area of the North East Sea |
04h/15/11 | West Southwest, about 10km/h and weakened into a tropical depression | 20.0N-112.3E; on the northwest sea of the North East Sea area | Level 7, level 9 jerk | Latitude 19.0N-22.0N; longitude 111.0E-115.5E | Level 3: Northwest sea area of the North East Sea |
04h/16/11 | Southwest, about 5km/h and weakened into a low pressure area | 18.9N-111.6E; in the northwest sea of the North East Sea area |
Warning of the impact of storm number 8
The northern sea area of the North East Sea has strong winds of level 6-7, near the storm's eye level 8-9, gusting to level 11, waves 3.0-5.0m high, near the storm's eye 5.0-7.0m; very rough seas.
Ships operating in the above mentioned dangerous areas are likely to be affected by storms, whirlwinds, strong winds and large waves.
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