The head and deputy head of the professional team may have their position allowance cut.
According to current regulations, each teacher cannot hold more than two positions concurrently and is entitled to a reduction in teaching hours for the position with the highest reduction; at the same time, there is no limit to the number of professional tasks and job positions that can be held concurrently, so some teachers have to hold multiple jobs concurrently.
The Ministry of Education and Training is seeking comments on the draft Circular regulating working regimes for teachers.
Therefore, in Clause 3, Article 4 of the draft Circular, each teacher is instructed not to hold more than 2 concurrent tasks as prescribed in Articles 8, 9, and 10 of this Circular. For concurrent positions and professional activities as prescribed in Chapter III of this Circular (except for concurrently holding trade union work, Youth Union Secretary, and Deputy Youth Union Secretary at the school level), if remuneration or allowances have been received, they cannot be converted into teaching hours.
Accordingly, Articles 8, 9, and 10 of this Circular have many subjects whose teaching hours are reduced when they hold other positions or tasks. In particular, the head and deputy head of the professional group or deputy head of the student management group (in ethnic boarding schools and semi-boarding schools) are reduced by 3 periods (head of group) and 1 period (deputy head of group) per week.
Currently, teachers who are also group leaders are reduced by 3 periods and deputy group leaders are also reduced by 1 period/week. In addition, according to Circular 33/2005/TT/BGD-DT, which stipulates the position allowance regime applied to cadres and civil servants holding leadership and management positions in public educational institutions, high school group leaders are entitled to a position allowance with a coefficient of 0.25; secondary and primary school group leaders are entitled to a position allowance with a coefficient of 0.20 and deputy group leaders of all three levels are entitled to a position allowance with a coefficient of 0.15.
However, according to this draft Circular, the head and deputy head of the professional group can only receive one of the two. If they receive the conversion of the number of periods, they will receive a reduction in periods but will no longer have the position allowance; if they receive the position allowance, they must teach enough periods according to the norm.
In fact, the responsibility of the head of the professional group in schools is very heavy. These are the people who are mainly responsible for the activities of the professional group to develop the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the position allowance for the head and deputy head of the professional group in addition to reducing the current teaching quota.
Not to mention, when the National Assembly agreed to increase the basic salary to 2,340,000 VND, it mentioned keeping the same allowances as before. Therefore, cutting the position allowances of professional team leaders and deputy team leaders while keeping other specialized or part-time positions unchanged is not really reasonable.
Number of periods and teaching time of secondary school teachers is the highest
According to current regulations, the teaching hours of teachers are specified as follows: Primary school teachers are 23 hours/week, secondary school teachers are 19 hours/week, high school teachers are 17 hours/week; teachers of ethnic boarding schools, semi-boarding schools, schools and classes for the disabled are reduced by 2 hours/week compared to the teaching hours of teachers at the same level.
Among all levels of education, secondary school teachers are teaching the second most number of periods (after primary school teachers) but the time is the longest.
According to the draft Circular, general education teachers teaching in schools basically still teach the same number of periods as they do now. Among the levels of education, secondary school teachers teach the second most periods (after primary school teachers) but the longest time. Primary school teachers teach 23 periods but each period is 35 minutes, equivalent to 805 minutes. Secondary school teachers teach 19 periods but each period is 45 minutes. Therefore, the total teaching time/week of secondary school teachers is 855 minutes.
Meanwhile, high school teachers teach 17 periods per week, each period is 45 minutes like middle school teachers, so each week will be equivalent to 765 minutes.
The concern of many junior high school teachers for a long time is that junior high school and high school teachers have many similarities in terms of training level. For example, after graduating from university with a math degree, some people apply to teach at the junior high school level, some people apply to teach at the high school level because the training level is the same. Only a few junior high school teachers used to study at college, but now most of them have finished university.
In addition to teaching, junior high school teachers also do popularization work and the dropout rate at this level is even higher, and there are more students who violate the rules. However, the number of weekly teaching hours of junior high school teachers is 2 more than that of high school teachers. In particular, most junior high school teachers have to teach 2 subjects, and the task of preparing lesson plans is even more difficult than that of high school teachers. Therefore, should junior high school and high school teachers have the same number of teaching hours (17 hours/week).
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