A mother in Jiangsu (China) who rarely cooks suddenly wants to cook for her son. The result is...
Delicious home-cooked meals make family life warmer and closer, but for parents who are not good at cooking, this can be counterproductive.
A mother in Jiangsu, China, who rarely cooks, suddenly wanted to cook for her son. As a result, her son was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night.
After diagnosis, it was discovered that the guy had food poisoning. After two days of diarrhea, his weight had dropped by 6kg.
Boy Had Diarrhea for 2 Days, Lost 6kg After Eating Mom's Cooking
Specifically, according to Chinese media, the mother, who rarely cooks at home, suddenly had the intention of preparing three "delicious" dishes including leek omelette, radish soup with tofu, and stir-fried diced chicken. However, after the meal, that night her son began to suffer from continuous diarrhea.
The son recalled that he found the chicken cooked by his mother to be particularly tender and smooth, so he ate a few more bites. Afterwards, he felt helpless as he suffered from persistent diarrhea. He suspected that the culprit of the food poisoning might be undercooked chicken.
After the incident was shared by the young man himself on social networks, it attracted widespread attention from netizens.
3 notes when processing poultry to avoid poisoning
The Taiwan (China) Food Safety Center lists the following three preventive measures and reminds people to follow them to avoid bacterial and viral infections.
- Poultry and eggs must be thoroughly cooked before consumption, all parts of poultry must reach a temperature of 70°C.
- After handling raw poultry, poultry products and eggs, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or detergent and clean all preparation surfaces, utensils and tools used.
- When storing raw poultry and poultry products, make sure the containers are tightly covered and refrigerated. Properly cooked poultry and poultry products should be stored separately from raw foods to avoid cross-contamination.
6 foods most likely to cause food poisoning
- Raw seafood and shellfish are foods that commonly cause food poisoning due to the bacteria Vibrio enteritidis.
- Contaminated meat, poultry, fresh eggs, dairy products and soybeans can easily cause food poisoning due to Salmonella bacteria.
- Food or water contaminated with feces is the main source of food poisoning caused by E. coli bacteria.
- Meat products, eggs, milk, lunch boxes and lettuce salads are susceptible to food poisoning caused by the bacteria Straphylococcus aureus.
- Rice and other starchy products, sauces and meat products, salads and dairy products are susceptible to food poisoning due to mold.
- Low-acid canned foods, processed meat products such as sausages, ham, and vacuum-packed dried tofu products are common foods that cause botulinum poisoning.
My Dieu
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/ba-me-chua-bao-gio-nau-an-bong-xan-tay-ao-vao-bep-con-trai-thuong-thuc-do-me-nau-khoc-thet-suot-2-ngay-172250314144802343.htm
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