Panorama of the High-level Session of the 55th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. |
And at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, which took place over 6 weeks from February 26 to April 5, 2024 and was the longest session of the Human Rights Council ever, Vietnam was proactive and active in building and speaking both as a nation and on behalf of 4 groups of countries on different topics, contributing to the common activities of the session.
Sharing with TG&VN , Ambassador Mai Phan Dung, Head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN, WTO and other international organizations in Geneva, said that the session reviewed more than 80 reports, discussed and negotiated many different areas related to human rights, from climate change, food rights, gender equality, to issues such as the impact of conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine and many other places in the world on the enjoyment of human rights.
At the end of the session, the Human Rights Council adopted 32 resolutions and 2 decisions, including new issues such as combating discrimination and violence against intersex people; adopted the National Reports under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism of 14 countries; and appointed personnel for 14 Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council in various fields.
The large participation of leaders of countries, international organizations, as well as other subjects throughout the Session and the exchange and discussion of current issues, is attracting the attention of the international community, demonstrating the high interest of the international community in the activities of the Human Rights Council, and also reflecting the leading important role of this agency in discussing and deciding on issues related to current human rights.
Minister Bui Thanh Son speaks at the High-Level Session of the 55th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on February 26 in Geneva, Switzerland. (Photo: Nhat Phong) |
Ambassador Mai Phan Dung emphasized: “As a member of the UNSC for the 2023-2025 term, the Vietnamese delegation led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son actively participated in the discussion and decision-making process of the above Session.
Minister Bui Thanh Son's speech at the High-level Session of the 55th Session shared the efforts and results Vietnam has achieved in economic, cultural and social development, contributing to ensuring social security and the full enjoyment of human rights by the people.
The Minister shared Vietnam's viewpoints and approaches on issues of common concern to the international community today; emphasized the need to maintain and respect peace, stability, international law, promote mutual respect and understanding, tolerance, inclusiveness, unity and respect for differences, dialogue and cooperation; at the same time, put people at the center of all policies and ensure inclusive and sustainable development.
Minister Bui Thanh Son also reaffirmed Vietnam's priorities when participating in the UN Human Rights Council, including protecting vulnerable groups, gender equality, digital transformation and human rights; announced that Vietnam has fully implemented nearly 90% of the recommendations under the 2019 UPR mechanism and is preparing for the UPR cycle IV report in May 2024; said that it will propose an annual resolution on ensuring human rights in the context of climate change at the 56th Session in June 2024.
At the same time, to continue Vietnam's positive contributions, strong commitments and willingness to contribute, Minister Bui Thanh Son announced and called on countries to support Vietnam's re-election as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for the 2026-2028 term.
Ambassador Mai Phan Dung spoke on behalf of the Core Group on Human Rights and Climate Change, including Vietnam, Bangladesh, and the Philippines, at the Dialogue on the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of the right to food. (Source: VNA) |
In addition, Ambassador Mai Phan Dung also announced that at the recently concluded Session, in addition to speaking as a nation, Vietnam also proactively and actively built and spoke on behalf of 4 groups of countries on different topics, contributing to the common activities of the Session.
Specifically, Vietnam spoke on behalf of ASEAN and Timor-Leste at the Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to food; on behalf of the Core Group of the Resolution on Climate Change and Human Rights (including Bangladesh, the Philippines and Vietnam) at the Dialogue on the Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of the right to food; on behalf of the inter-regional group of 22 countries at the general discussion on 27 March 2024 on the topic of protecting essential infrastructure of people in armed conflict; and on behalf of the inter-regional group of 63 countries at the general discussion on 3 April 2024 on the topic of accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals to promote gender equality.
These are issues that Vietnam prioritizes and actively promotes, and are also of high concern and priority to the international community today. The fact that many countries support and co-sponsor these joint statements shows their high appreciation of Vietnam's role and voice, as well as Vietnam's ability to connect and promote exchanges and dialogues on issues related to human rights at the UN Human Rights Council.
Among them, the joint statement on the topic of accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals to promote gender equality, with the co-sponsorship of 63 countries from different geographical regions and development levels, is one of the joint statements with the widest support at the regular session of the UN Human Rights Council.
Ambassador Mai Phan Dung affirmed: “Along with the country's role and position, our active, proactive and responsible participation as a member of the Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term, the international community's appreciation for Vietnam's participation in international multilateral forums, most recently the ECOSOC's trust in electing Vietnam to the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) for the 2025-2027 term, we have grounds to believe in the support of countries for Vietnam's re-election to the Human Rights Council for the upcoming 2026-2028 term.”
(according to the Vietnamese Delegation in Geneva)
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