Although this color-coding system on USB ports has been around for a while, the meaning of colors like blue, white, yellow, black, and especially green has not been clearly communicated to consumers.
Green USB ports are quite common.
The green USB port commonly found on chargers is often used to indicate that the port supports Qualcomm's Quick Charge technology. This technology allows for faster charging than conventional USB charging methods by adjusting the voltage to match the maximum charging speed of the device. Additionally, some orange USB ports also support Quick Charge.
However, not all green USB ports support this technology. Qualcomm has developed several generations of Quick Charge, with Quick Charge 5 being the latest version. Each generation of Quick Charge is backward compatible with previous generations, meaning that users can use a Quick Charge 5 charger to charge a Quick Charge 3-enabled device, although the charging speed will only reach Quick Charge 3 levels. To get the highest charging speed, users will need to use a cable that supports high-speed charging.
It should be noted that there is no regulation that requires manufacturers to use a certain color for USB ports. Therefore, a green USB port may not support Quick Charge and users should check the manufacturer's specifications to determine the exact capabilities of the port.
Features that green and turquoise USB are different
Don't confuse green USB with turquoise
While other colors like blue are widely deployed and have clear standards, green is often used to refer to specific company technologies. This can be confusing, especially since a green USB port can easily be confused with a turquoise USB port.
A turquoise USB port typically indicates that it is a USB 3.1 Gen 2 SuperSpeed+ port, which supports data transfer speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbps). However, it does not support fast charging speeds like Quick Charge. If users confuse the two colors, they may experience slower-than-expected data transfer speeds, increasing file transfer times through the port.
So when checking the USB ports on your device, be sure to differentiate between green and turquoise to get the most out of your device.
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