Piper lolot is a rustic food but good for health. Not only does it bring many health benefits, Piper lolot is also considered a medicinal herb in Traditional Medicine. So, is it good to drink Piper lolot water every day?
Doctor CKII Huynh Tan Vu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, branch 3, said that betel leaves are often used raw as herbs, or as an ingredient to prepare many delicious dishes such as soup, grilled, stir-fried, fried.
In addition to being a food in daily meals, betel leaves are also a medicine to treat many diseases, with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. When used properly, with a dosage suitable for each person's constitution, betel leaves become a very good medicine. Overdosing can be toxic to the body.
100g of betel leaves contain 39 calories, 86.5g of water, 4.3g of protein, 2.5g of fiber, 260mg of calcium, 980mg of phosphorus, 4.1mg of iron and 34mg of vitamin C. The roots of betel leaves contain benzyl acetate and the leaves and stems contain alkaloids and beta-caryophylene.
According to traditional medicine, betel leaves are spicy, aromatic, warm, and have the effect of warming the middle, dispelling cold, lowering qi, and relieving pain. They are used to treat wind, cold, dampness, numbness in limbs, digestive disorders, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney disease, bone and joint pain, headaches, toothaches, and sweating.
You should not drink betel leaf water every day.
Is it good to drink betel leaf water every day?
According to experts, betel leaf water only has the effect of supporting treatment of diseases and cannot replace medicine. Therefore, patients should consult a specialist before using it.
Breastfeeding women should not use too much betel leaf to avoid losing or diluting milk.
People with liver heat, stomach pain, and mouth ulcers should not use betel leaves to avoid making the disease more serious.
People with stomach pain are easily irritated when eating hot foods like betel leaves.
For people with constipation and mouth ulcers, eating betel leaves makes the condition worse.
Note: Although betel leaves are delicious and contain many nutrients, good for health, you should not eat or drink betel leaf juice every day. Be careful before using betel leaves as your medicine.
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