Of which, nearly 257,000 macadamia trees, 128,482 kg of NPK fertilizer, 3,212,050 kg of organic fertilizer, 77,089 kg of lime powder were distributed (each seedling was supported with 0.5 kg of NPK fertilizer, 12.5 kg of organic fertilizer and 0.3 kg of lime powder). It is expected that the distribution of seedlings and fertilizers to people will be completed by the district before August 20. Immediately after receiving the seedlings and fertilizer support, people will promptly plant according to the instructions. In case they have not had time to plant, people will water and preserve the seedlings in a cool, shady place.
The distribution of seedlings to farmers aims to implement Project 3 on sustainable agricultural and forestry production development, promoting the potential and strengths of regions to produce goods according to the value chain under the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2030, phase I from 2021 - 2025...
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